
Time to kick back the next few days and finish all my uncompleted RPGs and visual novels I think (and get those walk throughs out!)


transyo's Blog (1 follower)

Gaming ResolutionsPermalink
One of my resolutions for 2018 is that I want to complete everything I said I was going to complete last year. The book series I said I was always going to finish but never did, that television show I left half completed because I just found something else to do. And of course, all the games I started completing but just left because, again, I just found something else to do with my time. This year, I want to complete all the things I said I was going to do and that is writing all the walk throughs I said I would, the achievement solutions, and just completing and reviewing games.

This year, I’m focusing on my not completed games, and only downloading a new one here and there; even those are just going to really be games I play with friends or the odd game I see a YouTuber play and think damn that looks really fun.

Anyone else have any game-related resolutions this year?

This was really late to posting, but with a kid and a full time job, what can ya do?
Posted by transyo on 04 February 18 at 10:39

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TSA Patrick Real question is, are you going to stay dedicated to completing these resolutions and not ditch them like 2017?

But my resoution is to finialize my game that I am so happily creating by myself. It has a few issues here and there but in all, the game is mighty fine to play :)
Posted by TSA Patrick on 08 Feb 18 at 21:09
transyo I'm definitely trying my best! When I get the time to game, I just complete some old games rather than downloading new ones, which is good, I'm getting through them.

That sounds really cool! What's it about?
Posted by transyo on 22 Feb 18 at 05:20
TSA Patrick It's an RPG about YouTube, I was really inspired by these other fan-made games created for YouTubers

I decided that I would go for RPG not for one person, but it involves everyone

It has chapters, like 2014 where you play whats happened in 2014 and so on

Really cool concept, needs fine-tuning though. I had encountered an issue where the DirectX9 support wouldn't load and therefore creating an error like (DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error. Closing the application now). It's fixed now, all I had to do was reset the DirectX files for the game and now it loads fine

Right now, I am ironing the issues with multiplayer becuase I have plans on making the game go global soon! It's going to have a very cool idea behing it, don't worry!
Posted by TSA Patrick on 20 Mar 18 at 19:26
transyo That really does sound awesome, I'd love to see that on Steam! Sounds quite intriguing! As much as I love gaming, I also love the gaming youtube community that's cropped up in the past few years. That could be quite interesting. You could even take it down different routes in what genre - focusing on gaming youtube, or music youtube, vlogging, etc etc. Really excited to see what you come up with !
Posted by transyo on 21 Mar 18 at 16:12
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