TSA Patrick's Blog (0 followers)

What's in mind for this new accountPermalink
So for this new account I have the intentions of only posting News onto this account to further prevent complaints for illegitimate achievements and other reasons unexplainable.

So why don't you keep posting on the main account?: Long story short, I had acquired multiple illegitimate achievements which broke many Terms Of Service leading to my main being Untracked. I have tried all I can do to remove and eliminate this threat from my main, but ending still with being Untracked. So, I have decided that me and punky would sort this out instead of removing me from the team, and this was the final option

For anyone wondering, don't cheat the achievements even if they are unobtainable and leave your account with a odd completion number. There are many users who have computed what was achievble and what wasn't achievable to better find the SAM users. It's NOT worth being Untracked because of an unobtainable achievement

This is a website that reflects the skill required to obtain as many achievements you possibly can, leading to a cheater free leaderboard. There are countless other sites that serve the same purpose as us, but instead allow multiple cheaters to climb their leaderboards and not be stopped.

Again, I don't condone using SAM for unlocking achievements because your account will be investigated completely and will be placed against you if finding multiple illegitimate achievements. The investigations team (Which their identity is hidden for obvious reasons) don't put these punishments to accounts that didn't break their Cheater Policy. So don't lie, because they know

Here is the cheater policy -> Cheat Policy
Posted by TSA Patrick on 26 January 18 at 20:19 | Last edited on 26 January 18 at 21:45

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