Ys X: Nordics Achievements Here is the full list of all 55 Ys X: Nordics achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply MASTER OF NORDICSProof of having thoroughly read Adol Christin's book “The North's Lost Paradise (Ys Nordics).” Exceptional AdventurerAchieved 100% overall discovery rate. Hide adsSkilled AdventurerAchieved 50% overall discovery rate. Renowned ContractorAchieved 100% quest completion rate. Star of SandrasAchieved 100% intimacy completion rate. Expanding ConnectionsAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - People.' Diverse Dining TableAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - Cooking.' Battle ManiaAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - Battle.' Fishing MasterAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - Fishing.' Marine BiologistAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - Marine Life.' Norman ResearcherAchieved 100% opening rate for 'Journal - Runestones.' Casual ConversationListened to companions' conversations on the ship using the action menu. Can't Adventure on an Empty StomachUsed adventure bento 10 times. Potion DrinkerUsed bottle medicine 20 times. Red-Haired AdolThoroughly adventured with Adol. Azure Strike KarjaThoroughly adventured with Karja. Fierce DuoAchieved a total of 30 minutes in combo mode. Luxurious Shipboard RestaurantHeld a maximum-level meal party on the Sandras. Distant ExplorationAchieved a total travel distance of 300 Krimelye with Adol & Karja. Endless VoyageAchieved a total travel distance of 1,000 Krimelye with the Sandras. Sturdy ShieldSuccessfully performed Just Guard 100 times. Swift EvasionSuccessfully dodged 100 Speed Attacks. Skillful Martial ArtsAchieved 99CHAIN as the maximum Skill Chain. Sharp Mana UserUsed Mana Action 2,000 times. Valiant WarshipUsed EX Armament 100 times. Free WindUsed Mana Sail 300 times. Shining BarrierAchieved 30 minutes of Mana Barrier activation. Brave WarriorDefeated 1000 enemies. Greeger KillerDefeated 500 Greegers. Great BattleshipDefeated 300 enemy ships/barrier pillars. Realm of the Heart SeaReached the maximum depth of 'Release Line.' Vivid AbilitiesActivated all Mana Abilities (10 types in total): Valor, Fortitude, and Optimism. Dark AbilitiesActivated all 10 types of Dark Mana Abilities. Ultimate EquipmentEnhanced all the strongest equipment (2 strongest weapons + 2 strongest armors). Perfect WarshipImplemented all 'Improvement & Training Plans' for the Sandras. Favorable TailwindAchieved level 10 for maximum level of recapture tension gauge. A Splendid RecaptureCleared any recapture battle with an S rank rating. King of RecaptureAchieved 100% recapture battle completion rate. Ship of JusticeDestroyed all disguised merchant ships. (Total of 3 ships) Pikkard LoversGave all the Pikkards to Sash and completed the Pikkard collection. Unmatched SubjugatorDefeated the strongest Greeger, Vermoz. Hero of KarnackAchieved 100% rescue rate for the Karnack residents in need. Conqueror of NightmaresReached the epilogue on Nightmare difficulty or higher. New AdventureStarted a new adventure. AssaultCleared the Prologue “Assault.” KarnakCleared Part I “Karnack.” Shield BrothersCleared Part II “Shield Brothers.” Towards the LightCleared Part III “Towards the Light.” White DarknessCleared Part IV “White Darkness.” The Smoke of CounterattackCleared Part V “The Smoke of Counterattack.” Mirror of the SkyCleared Part VI “Mirror of the Sky.” The Great Battle of FlumenCleared Part VII “The Great Battle of Flumen.” LilaCleared Part VIII “Lila.” The Sea of BeginningsCleared Part IX “The Sea of Beginnings.” The Lost Paradise of the NorthernersCleared Part X “The Northman’s Lost Paradise” and reached the epilogue.