Here is the full list of all 35 Yes, Your Grace achievements.
Pick a nickname for Cedani.
Practice sword fighting with Asalia for the first time.
Tell Lorsulia she will be fine, instead of "I Love You".
Pet Dusty three times.
Get through the wedding night.
Buy all upgrades for wedding.
Buy a rooster for Cedani.
Help Stefan.
Invest in Tavern business.
Turn the Tavern into a... Public house.
Buy all gemstones from fortune teller.
Sell all paintings from the castle.
Help Lord Etton with his Dust trade.
Unlock Witch.
Unlock Hunter.
Find all evidence and clues for Royal Trial.
Audry takes the blame during the Royal Trial.
Confront Ivo.
Buy all upgrades for Radovian Battle.
Win battle against Radovia.
Give Aurelea a gift.
Let Asalia run away with Maya.
Make Asalia marry Varid.
Help all Radovians.
Refuse all Radovians.
Say Goodbye to Lorsulia.
Buy all upgrades for the Siege.
Flawlessly complete the Dark Ritual.
Bear saved Cedani.
Don't lose Aurelea or Cedani.
Make Asalia marry Varid, let Aurelea die, kill the deserter, kill Lord Jovan, kill Beyran, kill Radovian survivors.
Run out of gold.
Run out of supplies.
Hit zero villager contentment.
Complete the game.