Wordle 3 Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Wordle 3 achievements. It takes around 1-2 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Offline Mode 30 Single Player 28 Main Storyline Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Let's startLet's start IQ upgradedIQ upgraded Einstein's great-grandsonEinstein's great-grandson Newspaper maniacNewspaper maniac WOW!WOW! You are a legendYou are a legend Nobel LaureateNobel Laureate Very fastVery fast Are you a genius or who?Are you a genius or who? ExplanatoryExplanatory DiligentDiligent Puzzle fighterPuzzle fighter Talent can't be hiddenTalent can't be hidden PloddingPlodding Galileo GalileiGalileo Galilei Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla Maria CurieMaria Curie Charles DarwinCharles Darwin James MaxwellJames Maxwell Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton DemocritusDemocritus Best PuzzlerBest Puzzler Do you have a lot to learnDo you have a lot to learn Where have you been beforeWhere have you been before You could teachYou could teach You think in an original wayYou think in an original way I knew you could do it.I knew you could do it. This is your victoryThis is your victory No HintsNo Hints New day - new daily puzzleNew day - new daily puzzle