WildStar Achievements Here is the full list of all 142 WildStar achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Bombastic Bandit BasherKill 100 Bandits Boulderback BrutalizerKill 100 Boulderbacks Buzzbing BleederKill 100 Buzzbings Canimid KillerKill 100 Canimids Chompa ChomperKill 100 Chompacabras Dagun DeathbringerKill 100 Daguns Dreg DestroyerKill 100 Dreg Construct CrusherKill 100 Eldan Constructs Elemental ExtinguisherKill 100 Elementals Feather DusterKill 100 Falkrin Garr GutterKill 100 Garrs Girrok GrapplerKill 100 Girroks Rock WreckerKill 100 Gronyx Gorganoth GibberKill 20 Gorganoths Hurtin' HeynarKill 100 Heynars Ikthian EliminationKill 100 Ikthians Malverine MassacreKill 100 Malverines Mammodin MasherKill 50 Mammodins Moodie MayhemKill 100 Moodies Murgh MuncherKill 100 Murghs Pell PestilenceKill 100 Pell Pumera PunisherKill 100 Pumeras Razortail RoundupKill 100 Razortails Ravenok RampageKill 100 Ravenoks Scrab SkinnerKill 100 Scrabs Skeech ScorcherKill 100 Skeech Zombie ZingerKill 100 Squirg Zombies Spider StabberKill 100 Spiders Stemdragon SnipperKill 100 Stemdragons Snoglug SlayerKill 100 Snoglugs Rootbrute RavagerKill 100 Rootbrutes Rockhorde RipperKill 100 Rockhordes Steamglider SacrificeKill 50 Steamgliders Stumpkin SnufferKill 100 Stumpkins Terminite TakedownKill 100 Terminites Vulcarrion VaporizerKill 100 Vulcarrions Ascendant ButcherKill 100 Ascendant Creatures Strain DisinfectantKill 200 Strain Creatures Darkspur DeathdealerKill 100 Darkspur Torine TorturerKill 100 Torine Yeti MacheteKill 100 Yetis Triple ThreatGet 100 Triple Kills DoombringerPerform a Godly Kill Omni-PotentCollect 40 OmniBits Battlegrounds: First Match Win!Win your first battleground Battlegrounds: 50 Match WinsWin 50 battlegrounds Battlegrounds: 150 Match WinsWin 150 battlegrounds Battlegrounds: 300 Match WinsWin 300 battlegrounds Battlegrounds: 500 Match WinsWin 500 battlegrounds Battlegrounds: The Badge of ServiceAchieve a 1,500 Personal Battleground Rating Battlegrounds: The Medal of CourageAchieve a 1,800 Personal Battleground Rating Battlegrounds: The Mark of HonorAchieve a 2,000 Personal Battleground Rating Battlegrounds: The Star of GloryAchieve a 2,200 Personal Battleground Rating Battlegrounds: The Mad JabbitAchieve a kill chain of 3 PVP enemies in a Battleground Battlegrounds: The Crazed ChompacabraAchieve a kill chain of 5 PVP enemies in a Battleground Battlegrounds: The Raging RowsdowerAchieve a kill chain of 8 PVP enemies in a Battleground SurvivalistEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Malgrave Trail Adventure Veteran SurvivalistEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Malgrave Trail Adventure on Veteran difficulty Petty CriminalEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Crimelords of Whitevale Adventure Veteran CriminalEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Crimelords of Whitevale Adventure on Veteran difficulty DefenderEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Siege of Tempest Refuge Adventure Veteran DefenderEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Siege of Tempest Refuge Adventure on Veteran difficulty Skeech WranglerEarn a bronze or higher rating on the War of the Wilds Adventure Veteran Skeech WranglerEarn a bronze or higher rating on the War of the Wilds Adventure on Veteran difficulty YardbirdEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Riot in the Void Adventure RebelEarn a bronze or higher rating on the Hycrest Insurrection Adventure Stormtalon's LairEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Stormtalon's Lair Dungeon Veteran Stormtalon's LairEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Stormtalon's Lair Dungeon on Veteran difficulty Sanctuary of the SwordmaidenEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Sanctuary of the Swordmaiden Dungeon Veteran Sanctuary of the SwordmaidenEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Sanctuary of the Swordmaiden Dungeon on Veteran difficulty Ruins of Kel VorethEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Ruins of Kel Voreth Dungeon Veteran Ruins of Kel VorethEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Ruins of Kel Voreth Dungeon on Veteran difficulty SkullcanoEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Skullcano Dungeon Veteran SkullcanoEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Skullcano Dungeon on Veteran difficulty Protogames AcademyComplete the Protogames Academy Dungeon Veteran Protogames AcademyEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Protogames Academy Dungeon on Veteran difficulty Veteran Ultimate ProtogamesEarn a bronze or higher rating in the Ultimate Protogames Dungeon on Veteran difficulty BelovedBecome beloved by your faction Faulty HypothesisDefeat Experiment X-89 within Genetic Archives Raid Shut Your MawDefeat Phage Maw within the Genetic Archives Raid Planning for FailureDefeat Kuralak the Defiler within the Genetic Archives Raid Clean up the CodeDefeat the Phagetech Prototypes within the Genetic Archives Raid Council of NoneDefeat the Phageborn Convergence within the Genetic Archives Raid Dread is DeadDefeat Dreadphage Ohmna within the Genetic Archives Raid System RebootDefeat the System Daemons within the Datascape Raid Thorough CleaningDefeat Gloomclaw within the Datascape Raid No Respect for AuthorityDefeat the Maelstrom Authority within the Datascape Raid Mastery of the ElementsDefeat each of the Elementals within the Datascape Raid AI PersonaeDefeat Avatus within the Datascape Raid WorkaholicComplete 25 Contracts from the Protostar Contract Dispenser in Thayd or Illium A Heroes Journey Level 10Reach Character level 10 A Heroes Journey Level 20Reach Character level 20 A Heroes Journey Level 30Reach Character level 30 A Heroes Journey Level 40Reach Character level 40 A Heroes Journey Level 50Reach Character level 50 Credit where Credit is dueEarn 10 Platinum Ground to BitsDeliver a Critical Deathblow, leaving your enemy in pieces Make a FriendAdd a player to your friends list Safety in NumbersJoin a group Cozy CribYou built a cozy house Expedition: M-13Complete the Outpost M-13 Expedition Veteran Expedition: M-13Complete the Outpost M-13 Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: Rage LogicComplete the Rage Logic Expedition Veteran Expedition: Rage LogicComplete the Rage Logic Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: InfestationComplete the Infestation Expedition Veteran Expedition: InfestationComplete the Infestation Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: Space MadnessComplete the Space Madness Expedition Veteran Expedition: Space MadnessComplete the Space Madness Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: Deep Space ExplorationComplete the Deep Space Exploration Expedition Veteran Expedition: Deep Space ExplorationComplete the Deep Space Exploration Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: The GauntletComplete the Gauntlet Expedition Veteran Expedition: The GauntletComplete the Gauntlet Expedition on Veteran difficulty Expedition: They Came from Fragment Zero!Complete the They Came from Fragment Zero! Expedition Veteran Expedition: They Came from Fragment Zero!Complete the They Came from Fragment Zero! Expedition on Veteran difficulty CraftyLearn a crafting tradeskill ApprenticeshipReach Apprentice level with a crafting tradeskill It's The Journey, ManReach Journeyman level with a crafting tradeskill I'm an Artist!Reach Artisan level with a crafting tradeskill In my Expert OpinionReach Expert level with a crafting tradeskill Accepting the ChallengeComplete 100 Challenges The Quest for... QuestsComplete 100 non-repeatable quests The Quest for... even more QuestsComplete 500 non-repeatable quests Earning your StripesComplete 25 Soldier Path missions Mad Science!Complete 25 Scientist Path missions Ain't no Mountain High EnoughComplete 25 Explorer Path missions If you build it...Complete 25 Settler Path missions Smooth OperatorDefeat the Prime Evolutionary Operants within the Initlialization Core Y-83 Raid Dungeon World Story 01: Event HorizonEnter the Mysterious Portal in Thayd or Illium and learn what secret it holds World Story 02: Into DarknessTravel with Drusera through the portal to Exo-Lab X39 World Story 03: The Heart of CorruptionSurvive the Entity's trials of strength World Story 04: Walking in Her FootstepsMeet Drusera and learn about the Genesis Prime World Story 05: The Eternal GuardianObserve what might happen if the Entity's plan is carried out Journey into the OMNICoreEarn a Bronze or higher rating in the Journey Into the OMNICore World Story Expedition Better Red than DeadCollect 10,000 Crimson Essences A Bolt from the BlueCollect 10,000 Cobalt Essences Lean Green Killing MachineCollect 10,000 Viridian Essences The Essence of RoyaltyCollect 7,500 Violet Essences The Primal RainbowCollect Essences of all colors totaling 375,000 You Can Never Spend Too ManyAllocate 25 points in the Primal Matrix Primal EfficiencyEarn the tier 3 for each of the Crimson, Cobalt, and Viridian essence collection achievements Node AssaultUnlock all assault ability nodes Node SupportUnlock all support ability nodes