WWE 2K20 Achievements Here is the full list of all 51 WWE 2K20 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 45 Offline Mode 3 Online/Offline 48 Single Player 3 Versus 4 Main Storyline 1 Cumulative + 1 Level 1 Shop 3 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply I get knocked down…Use Payback Instant Recovery to quickly rise after being knocked down. (PLAY mode against A.I.) I got the PoisonUse Payback Spray Poison Mist to your opponent's face. (PLAY mode against A.I.) I'll be there for you!Activate the Run-In Payback. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Nothing Personal, KidHit your Finisher immediately after activating Blackout Payback. (PLAY mode against A.I.) No Tanks!Use the Tank buff to minimize damage from your opponent's Finisher. (PLAY mode agaisnt A.I.) Ding!Use Payback Low Blow to slow your opponent down. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Playing PossumFinish your opponent using a possum pin. (PLAY mode against A.I.) ImposterDefeat your opponent with their own Finisher. (PLAY mode against A.I.) By Gawd!Put your opponent through the top of the cell. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Never look backSteel Cage: Escape through the door. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Cage Top DropSteel Cage: Push off an opponent from atop the Cage. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Cash Me OutWin a Title by cashing in your custom MITB. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Fond MemoriesSHOWCASE: Clear all matches. Stepping StoneMyPLAYER TOWERS: Complete one Tower. A Fighter2K CENTRAL TOWERS: Clear Roman Reigns' Tower SuperstarMyPLAYER: Reach Prestige Rank 2. A road well traveledROAD TO GLORY: Win 50 matches. Star PowerROAD TO GLORY: Win 10 matches. High Pressure SituationROAD TO GLORY: Win a Main Event in a PPV. SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > HungerUNIVERSE: Play and Win 50 matches. Yoink!Use Payback Rush to steal 3 finishers in one match. UntouchableUse Payback Fortify to deflect 1000 total damage. CoordinatedWin by performing a Pin Combo through a Signature or Finisher. (PLAY mode against A.I.) End GameWin a Royal Rumble as entrant #1 or #2 against AI.(PLAY mode against A.I.) GladiatorPLAY: Take control of a Superstar and win a Tournament against AI with "DAMAGE RETENTION" enabled. My Favorite!Equip a Favorite Foreign Object and grab it from under the apron. CozyCREATIONS: Create your own Arena. A Good YearUNIVERSE: Complete a year of universe. An OriginalCREATIONS: Create a unique Superstar with their own Move-set, Entrance, and Victory pose. Take it easyPlay one Match using Assist Mode. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Good RatingsUNIVERSE: Complete a Month of Shows. Reliable WorkerMyPLAYER: Complete a Side Plate. Rare FoilSTORE: Open a Loot Pack. Squad UpAs a Tag Team, perform your Tag Team Move. (PLAY mode against A.I.) BoostedMyPLAYER: Use a Boost in a match. It's ShowtimeUNIVERSE: Create a new Major Show in Universe. Fighting wordsUNIVERSE: Activate a potential Rivalry. An Iconic DuoPerform a Dual Attack in a Mixed Gender Match. (PLAY mode against A.I.) No RefundsSend your Opponent through a table. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Reversal of FortuneReverse a Finisher. (PLAY mode against A.I.) FREEDOM!Break free from a Carry. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Enemy of the PeopleDefend successfully against elimination in a Royal Rumble match. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Attack of OpportunityAttack a Groggy Opponent with a Diving Attack from the Top Rope. (PLAY mode against A.I.) No SurrenderBreak out of a Submission without overlapping once. (PLAY mode against A.I.) StubbornFinish an opponent without landing a finisher or signature. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Ready for my CloseupAttack an opponent with the Tripod Foreign Object (PLAY mode against A.I.) OverachieverUse the Adrenaline Payback to Carry an opponent over your weight class. (PLAY mode against A.I.) Road Trip!MyCAREER: Clear Chapter 1. Get outta Town!MyCAREER: Clear Chapter 4. Paving the WayMyCAREER: Clear Chapter 10. The BestMyCAREER: Clear Chapter 18.