Here is the full list of all 28 Vox Populi: Europa 2024 achievements.
Finish the tutorial
Take part in a televised debate
Win a great debate
Lose the "Minor candidate" trait
Have the largest possible campaign team
Reach 25% overall popularity with a custom character
Reach 50% overall popularity with a custom character
Have a level 5 structure during a debate
Win a proposed referendum
Achieve victory with a passed law
Achieve victory
Achieve the best possible victory
Achieve victory by being classified on the left and with the "Collectivism" (Economy) and "Revolutionary" (Regime) ideologies
Achieve victory by being classified on the right and with the "Return to tradition" corpus and the "Strong" (Authority) and "Restricted" (Immigration) ideologies
Achieve victory with the "Unclassifiable" political classification
Achieve victory with the "Anarcho-capitalism" corpus and the "Revolutionary" (Regime) ideology
Reach 50% overall popularity among the working class with the "Deregulation" (Economy) ideology
Reach 50% overall popularity among the upper class with the "Collectivism" (Economy) ideology
Recruit a character with 0% ideological proximity to your campaign team
Create a custom character with the "Recognised expertise" and "Marginality" traits, then achieve victory with the "Ecological planning" corpus
Achieve victory with the "Constitutional monarchy" ideology (Regime)
Achieve victory with the "Red wave" scenario
Achieve victory with the "Monarchist wave" scenario
Achieve victory with the "Upheaval" scenario
Achieve victory with the "Dissolution" (European institutions) ideology
Achieve victory with the "Rebuilding Europe" scenario
Unlock as many categories of debate cards as possible
Own 10 gold debate cards for your campaign team