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Vox Populi: Europa 2024

Vox Populi: Europa 2024 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 28 Vox Populi: Europa 2024 achievements.

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  • Electoral success

    Achieve victory

  • Landslide victory

    Achieve the best possible victory

  • Ally of the people

    Achieve victory by being classified on the left and with the "Collectivism" (Economy) and "Revolutionary" (Regime) ideologies

  • Hard to starboard

    Achieve victory by being classified on the right and with the "Return to tradition" corpus and the "Strong" (Authority) and "Restricted" (Immigration) ideologies

  • The Fourth Way

    Achieve victory with the "Unclassifiable" political classification

  • Shareholder democracy

    Achieve victory with the "Anarcho-capitalism" corpus and the "Revolutionary" (Regime) ideology

  • Utilitarianism

    Reach 50% overall popularity among the working class with the "Deregulation" (Economy) ideology

  • Trickle-down elections

    Reach 50% overall popularity among the upper class with the "Collectivism" (Economy) ideology

  • Splits

    Recruit a character with 0% ideological proximity to your campaign team

  • Cassandra's victory

    Create a custom character with the "Recognised expertise" and "Marginality" traits, then achieve victory with the "Ecological planning" corpus

  • Long live the King!

    Achieve victory with the "Constitutional monarchy" ideology (Regime)

  • McCarthyism

    Achieve victory with the "Red wave" scenario

  • Equality

    Achieve victory with the "Monarchist wave" scenario

  • Uncharted Territories

    Achieve victory with the "Upheaval" scenario

  • The end of the Union

    Achieve victory with the "Dissolution" (European institutions) ideology

  • All roads lead to Brussels

    Achieve victory with the "Rebuilding Europe" scenario

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