V Rising Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 V Rising achievements. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Symphony of the NightInteract with a music box. Larger Pockets!Equip a bag. Exquisite BloodDrink blood from a 100% blood quality source. A Whole New WorldVenture into the Farbane Woods area. A Fox in the Hen HouseVenture into the Dunley Farmlands area. Footsteps in the SnowVenture into the Hallowed Mountains area. Godless IntrusionVenture into the Silverlight area. Forbidden FootstepsVenture into the Cursed Forest area. Don't Drink the WaterVenture into the Gloomrot South area. March of the MachinesVenture into the Gloomrot North area. The Forgotten ReachesVenture into the Ruins of Mortium area. A First TasteFeed from a living creature. Gone FishingCatch a fish using a fishing rod. Your Number One FanFully equip a servant. Blood DonorExtract blood from a prisoner. Upon a Pale HorseRide a horse. Vampire RisingPlace a staircase. The Allure of CoinTrade with a Shady Merchant in the Farbane Woods. A Vampire with a HobbyPlant a seed in a planter. Ultimate PowerCast an ultimate ability. First of ManyDrink the blood of a V Blood. Lord of the LandPlace a Castle Heart and claim an unoccupied territory. Master of DisguiseTrade with a merchant as a very ordinary human. It's a Tight SqueezeUse Rat Form and traverse through a small hole. 1 guideOh No!Eat the wrong mushroom. 1 guideWork Smart, Not HardInteract with a work station that has the room and floor bonus active. A Weapon From a More Civilized AgeReforge a shattered weapon at the Ancestral Forge. RiftslayerParticipate in closing a rift to the Shadow Realm. Dressed to ImpressEquip an item in a Cosmetic Slot. To the SkiesFind a way to fly. A Creature of Many FormsUse your Vampire powers to shapeshift into another form. Instant GratificationTeleport using a Vampire Waygate. Every Corner of the WorldVenture to all major regions. Completed Act 1Defeat Quincey the Bandit King and complete Act I. Completed Act 2Defeat Octavian the Militia Leader and complete Act II. Completed Act 3Defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith and complete Act III. Completed Act 4Defeat Solarus the Immaculate and complete Act IV. Collector of Forgotten Lore IInteract with a Research Desk that has all technologies unlocked. Collector of Forgotten Lore IIInteract with a Study that has all technologies unlocked. Collector of Forgotten Lore IIIInteract with an Anatheum that has all technologies unlocked. A Perfect Test SubjectFeed a prisoner with Irradiant Gruel and have them reach 100% blood quality as a result. 1 guideAn Eye for QualitySuccessfully charm a human that has 100% blood quality. Slayer of the Immortal KingDefeat Dracula, The Immortal King. Master of AllDefeat and drink the blood of every V Blood. Completed Act 1 on Brutal DifficultyDefeat Quincey the Bandit King and complete Act I on Brutal Difficulty. Completed Act 2 on Brutal DifficultyDefeat Octavian the Militia Leader and complete Act II on Brutal Difficulty. Completed Act 3 on Brutal DifficultyDefeat Cyril the Cursed Smith and complete Act III on Brutal Difficulty. Completed Act 4 on Brutal DifficultyDefeat Solarus the Immaculate and complete Act IV on Brutal Difficulty. Brutal Slayer of the Immortal KingDefeat Dracula, The Immortal King, on Brutal Difficulty. 1 guide