UNLOVED Achievements Here is the full list of all 95 UNLOVED achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Color Collector ICollect at least 25 color schemes on one profile. Color Collector IICollect at least 75 color schemes on one profile. Color Collector IIICollect at least 150 color schemes on one profile. Servant Massacre IKill at least 100 Salem Servants on one profile. Servant Massacre IIKill at least 1000 Salem Servants on one profile. Servant Massacre IIIKill at least 10000 Salem Servants on one profile. Cutter Killer IKill 50 Cutter Demons on one profile. Cutter Killer IIKill 500 Cutter Demons on one profile. Cutter Killer IIIKill 5000 Cutter Demons on one profile. Butcher Slayer IKill 25 Butcher on one profile. Butcher Slayer IIKill 250 Butcher on one profile. Butcher Slayer IIIKill 2500 Butcher on one profile. I Live AgainExperience death and get resurrected by another player. Longest Road IReach Player Level 2. Longest Road IIReach Player Level 5. Longest Road IIIReach Player Level 10. Kukri Warrior IDeal 1000 damage with the Kukri melee attack on one profile. Kukri Warrior IIDeal 10000 damage with the Kukri melee attack on one profile. Kukri Warrior IIIDeal 100000 damage with the Kukri melee attack on one profile. Pistol-Starter IDeal 2500 damage with the Pistol on one profile. Pistol-Starter IIDeal 25000 damage with the Pistol on one profile. Pistol-Starter IIIDeal 250000 damage with the Pistol on one profile. Shotgun Surgeon IDeal 5000 damage with the Super Shotgun on one profile. Shotgun Surgeon IIDeal 50000 damage with the Super Shotgun on one profile. Shotgun Surgeon IIIDeal 500000 damage with the Super Shotgun on one profile. SMP Mobster IDeal 5000 damage with the Silenced Machine Pistol on one profile. SMP Mobster IIDeal 50000 damage with the Silenced Machine Pistol on one profile. SMP Mobster IIIDeal 500000 damage with the Silenced Machine Pistol on one profile. Good Bye Nurse IKill 100 Demon Nurses on one profile. Good Bye Nurse IIKill 1000 Demon Nurses on one profile. Good Bye Nurse IIIKill 10000 Demon Nurses on one profile. Auf Wiedersehen, Doktor IKill 10 Lobotomized Doctors on one profile. Auf Wiedersehen, Doktor IIKill 100 Lobotomized Doctors on one profile. Auf Wiedersehen, Doktor IIIKill 1000 Lobotomized Doctors on one profile. Longest Road IVReach Player Level 15. Longest Road VReach Player Level 25. Comedy is Dead IKill at least 20 Clowns on one profile. Comedy is Dead IIKill at least 200 Clowns on one profile. Comedy is Dead IIIKill at least 2000 Clowns on one profile. Your Face My Gun IKill at least 15 Faceless on one profile. Your Face My Gun IIKill at least 150 Faceless on one profile. Your Face My Gun IIIKill at least 1500 Faceless on one profile. Witch Hunt IKill at least 7 Witches on one profile. Witch Hunt IIKill at least 77 Witches on one profile. Witch Hunt IIIKill at least 777 Witches on one profile. Longest Road VIReach Player Level 70. Longest Road VIIReach Player Level 147. Penetrator I Penetrator II Penetrator III Longest Road VIIIReach Player Level 168. Longest Road IXReach Player Level 189. Impressive IDeal 9000 damage with the Railgun on one profile. Impressive IIDeal 90000 damage with the Railgun on one profile. Impressive IIIDeal 900000 damage with the Railgun on one profile. Longest Road XReach Player Level 468. Pistol AdeptComplete "Pistol Only" Challenge SMP AdeptComplete "SMP Only" Challenge Shotgun AdeptComplete "Shotgun Only" Challenge Heavy Weapons AdeptComplete "Heavy Weapons Only" Challenge Enlightened OneComplete "Lights Out" challenge Death Comes FastComplete "Fast Monsters" challenge Quaking AdeptComplete "Quad Damage" challenge Rotten AdeptComplete "Rotten Only" Challenge Lobotomized AdeptComplete "Lobotomy" Challenge Flesh AdeptComplete "Flesh Cult" Challenge Fatso AdeptComplete "Too many Fatsos" Challenge Freak AdeptComplete "Freakshow" Challenge Kill Crew AdeptComplete "Kill Crew" Challenge Silent AdeptComplete "Sound of Silence" Challenge Hollow AdeptComplete "Hollow Monsters" Challenge Classic Horror AdeptWin a map in "Classic Horror" Game Mode Arcade AdeptWin a map in "Arcade Style" Game Mode Hot AdeptWin a map in "Hot Mode" Game Mode Pistol MasterComplete "Pistol Only" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty SMP MasterComplete "SMP Only" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Shotgun MasterComplete "Shotgun Only" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Heavy Weapons MasterComplete "Heavy Weapons Only" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Illuminated OneComplete "Lights Out" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Faster than DeathComplete "Fast Monsters" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Quaking ChampionComplete "Quad Damage" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Rotten to the CoreComplete "Rotten Only" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Lobotomized MasterComplete "Lobotomy" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Flesh MasterComplete "Flesh Cult" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Master FatsoComplete "Too Many Fatsos" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Master FreakComplete "Freakshow" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Killcrew MasterComplete "Killcrew" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Silent MasterComplete "Sound of Silence" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Hollow MasterComplete "Hollow Monsters" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty Master of HorrorWin a map in "Classic Horror" Game Mode on Abyss Difficulty Master of ArcadesWin a map in "Arcade Style" Game Mode on Abyss Difficulty Hot MasterWin a map in "Hot Mode" Game Mode on Abyss Difficulty Welcome to InfinityUpgrade a Ring to Level 200 Radiating AdeptComplete "Radiator" Challenge Radiating MasterComplete "Radiator" Challenge on Abyss Difficulty