Tropico 6 Achievements Here is the full list of all 40 Tropico 6 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 1 Online Mode 39 Single Player 1 Cooperative 16 Main Storyline 5 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Beginning of a ServantshipComplete Mission "Penultimo of the Caribbean" ShackadelicComplete Mission "Shackland" Of Seals And MenComplete Mission "Concrete Beach" Number 18Complete Mission "Speakeasy" The Legend of LangostinoComplete Mission "Pirate King" The Dreamer of DreamsComplete Mission "Chocolate Factory" Go Sovereigns!Complete Mission "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" Caribbean ComradeComplete Mission "Better Red than Dead" FirestarterComplete Mission "(Super)Power Defense" For Science!Complete Mission "Tropicoland" Happy Ending?Complete Mission "Acts of God" ApocalypsoComplete Mission "The Referendum" Computer Says "No"Complete Mission "Bureaucracy 2.0" Beware The BetmanComplete Mission "The One Percenters" Viva Tropico!Complete Mission "Battle Royal" Been there, Done ThatComplete all Missions TerraformerGenerate 15 random maps Promising EndeavorsPerform 500 raids across all games My WaysEnd 50 protests by force or by bribing the protesters across all games Just One...More...Term...Spend 5 hours playing Tropico 6 From Knight to Little DuckConstruct bridges with a accumulated length of 728 grid tiles TeamplayerWin a multiplayer game as a team Make Tropico Great Again!Finish a sandbox game without any imports SurvivorFinish a sandbox game on a map with a volcano on it with Disasters set to "Frequent" Watch The World BurnFinish a sandbox game without ever constructing a fire station Un-Lonely IslandReach a population of 1000 Don't Panic!Have a Space Mission end with a special event. One Does Not Simply Stage A CoupSurvive a military coup Double TroubleHave two faction escalations at the same time French ConnectionHave the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower constructed at the same time Curse Of The MummyHave the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid constructed at the same time Fairy Tale Come TrueHave Neuschwanstein Castle and the Taj Mahal constructed at the same time Trade Is My TraitHave an active trade route for all trade licences at the same time The Time For WondersHave four heists active at the same time NarcissistHave 20 inspiring statues at the same time The GovernatorRemain in colonial era for 30 years Sublime Subliminal SupremeHave 90% of all Tropicans support the same faction 1 guideChain GangGenerate $3,500 in a month with convict labor I Owe You NothingReach a Swiss bank account credit of S$ 50k without ever accepting a single Broker request. We Don't Have Time For ThatHave no elections within a duration of 20 years