Torment: Tides of Numenera Achievements Here is the full list of all 52 Torment: Tides of Numenera achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 52 Offline Mode 52 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 2 Collectable 41 Missable 1 Level 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Not Dead YetEscaped the Sorrow... for now. 1 guideA City Carved in StoneReached Sagus Cliffs. 1 guideLive Another LifeCompleted a Mere. Monuments to the PastReached the Valley of Dead Heroes. SanctuaryFound Miel Avest. Belly of the BeastReached the Bloom. Crystalline VistaReached the Ascension. Castoff's FateActivated the Resonance Chamber. LegacyCompleted the game. Terminal VelocityEnded your life before it truly began. For Knowledge?Slew the Nychthemeron. Free MindsDefeated the Adversary. Just a TasteBecame the main course in a Dendra O'hur feast. A New HomeLearn the truth of where Jherem came from. This is MY CultConvince the Cult in Sagus Cliffs that you're the Changing God. Always in TouchFound the Hall of Relics. Foremen Don't ForgetDiscovered Min of Tan Liang's embarrassing secret. I Clank When I WalkEquipped every one of Jernaugh's upgrades. Accidental SaviorRescued the Memorialists in the Valley of Dead Heroes by failing to find them. Knowlege SeekerUndertook Tantalum's quest to explore the tombs of the Necropolis. Valley's HeroFreed the Valley from the Children of the Endless Gate. Rising PhoenixHelped Phoenix find the answer he seeks. Transdimensional MidwifeBrought a new minnim pair to life. Peace BringerBrought peace to Choi's spirit. MemoviraBecame the new Memovira. Private PropertyPurchased a slave. Homeworld BoundReturned the lascars to their home. Ill-gotten GainsFound the murdens' treasure room War MachineDefeated Waits-for-Prey in combat. Death WishDied by drinking too much Bloom juice. Inside ManCoty betrayed the First on your behalf. 1 guideA God in Human SkinBecame The Changing God. Priest RestoredAligern found his friends and family. Keep Your Friends CloseMade Aligern believe that you're the Changing God... and earned his love anyway. All Too HumanCallistege became fully human again. AscendedTranslated Callistege's consciousness into the datasphere. The Dying LightPowered up Erritis' nanites. Back to the FarmFreed Erritis from the Audience. Love RestoredHelped Tybir make peace with Auvigne. Buckle DownTybir made a dangerous deal with Tol Maguur. Dangerous IdealsMatkina turned away from her isolation. SuccessorMatkina became the new Memovira. Going HomeRhin returned to her true home. A New FamilyRhin stayed with the Last Castoff. It's For the BestRhin found a new family through the House of Empty Time. Mere ExplorerFound all Merecasters. OverloadAcquired one too many cyphers. A New BeginningWoke up in the Calm after dying. Hall of MemoriesUnlocked all elements in the Calm. Limits of Human CapacityReached maximum character level. BelovedThe entire party loves the Last Castoff. DespisedThe entire party dislikes the Last Castoff.