Torchlight Achievements Here is the full list of all 66 Torchlight achievements. It takes around 100-120 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Adventure BeginsFind the entrance to the mine Master SmasherSmash 1500 Breakables 1 guideBeast of BurdenFill your pet's inventory RichCollect 250,000 gold Deep PocketsHave 100,000 gold in your inventory GibbedBlow 25 enemies to pieces with critical strikes Deep DelverReach the 50th floor of a dungeon Epic StrikeDo at least 10,000 damage to an enemy in a single strike True DelverReach level 100 AnglerCatch 50 fish FishermanCatch 100 fish Fisher KingCatch 1000 fish Pet TrainerEquip a spell on your pet Sorcelator's ServantTransform your pet into a Mimic EnchantedSuccessfully enchant one item 5 times Enchantment OverloadSuccessfully enchant one item 10 times Shape-ShifterChange your pet by feeding it fish TransmogrifierPermanently transform your pet Fetch a Fair PriceSend your pet to town The Need for GreedSuffer 20 disenchants from the enchanter Bum LuckHave an item disenchanted on the first enchantment attempt Sir Mixes-a-lotSuccessfully create 25 items using the transmuter QuestorComplete 200 Quests Down the HatchComplete 50 Hatch Quests Gambling EnthusiastGamble 20 times Gambling AddictGamble 50 times Gambling FiendGamble 100 times Mod Squad1 game mod installed 1 guideMod Maniac5 mods installed at the same time Modpocalypse10 mods used at the same time Lucky GamblerGamble a unique item Pension PlanAchieve player level 65 The Long HaulAchieve player level 100 Passing the TorchRetire a character Noble LineageRetire two characters Line of KingsRetire over 300 levels worth of characters Ka-Chunk!Pull 100 levers Price of LoyaltyUse 50 potions on your pet 1 guideSuperstarAchieve maximum fame 1 guideWalkaboutTake 25,000 steps TormentedDie 500 times Trolling for PunishmentKill 25 champion trolls Wabam!Kill 5000 Monsters Supreme SlayerKill 50,000 monsters Over the BrinkDefeat Brink A Lich to ScratchDefeat the Overseer Tree HuggerDefeat the Root Golem When this Town's a Rockin'Defeat the Ember Colossus Big and Green and Dead all OverDefeat Krag Purple People DefeaterDefeat Medea Only a Master of EvilDefeat Alric Perfect VictoryDefeat Ordrak with no deaths Beast Slayer IDefeat Ordrak on Easy or Normal Beast Slayer IIDefeat Ordrak on Hard Beast Slayer IIIDefeat Ordrak on Very Hard Hardcore VictorDefeat Ordrak on Easy Hardcore Hardcore HeroDefeat Ordrak on Normal Hardcore Hardcore ChampionDefeat Ordrak on Hard Hardcore Hardcore GodDefeat Ordrak on Very Hard Hardcore Swift ExecutionDefeat Ordrak in 8 hours or less Speed KingDefeat Ordrak in less than 5 hours Hat TrickBeat the game with all three classes 1 guidePotion WhizDrink 5,000 potions Cash for TrashSell 10,000 items to vendors The Horse WhispererAchieved enlightenment by speaking with the horse 100 times Universally UnderstoodComplete 25 Gar Quests