Tinyfolks Achievements Full list of all 53 Tinyfolks achievements.The base game contains 44 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 9 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply New King!Win the game FighterBeat Warrior mode Hide adsMagicianBeat Wizard mode FarmerBeat Folk mode SpeedrunBeat the game in 20 days or less ShoppingBuy an item LordHave 20 000 Gold in your town's inventory SimpleBeat the game without upgrading a batiment CityUpgrade the entire town and buy all researches AlchemistCraft a potion TrinketsEquip an artefact Tree HuggerBeat the Fairy Forrest boss Food chainBeat Goblin Toll boss ToreroHow to unlock this thing Bird of PreyBeat the Arrid Oasis boss SoulmateBeat the Ancient Ruin boss HeadcountBeat the Shiny Lake boss Man of steelBeat the Citopia boss BuriedBeat the Byth Koin Mine boss ArachnophobiaBeat the Icy Cave's boss GemBeat the Crystal Plain boss InvertebrateBeat the Slimy Swamp boss Squid GameBeat the Pelican Port boss RogueBeat Thief mode HardBeat the game on Hard Fossile Serpent God Sacred Feline Sci-Fi Xeno Brains Very HardBeat the game on Very Hard Fighter (HARD)Beat Warrior mode on Hard Magician (HARD)Beat Wizard mode on Hard Rogue (HARD)Beat Thief mode on Hard Farmer (HARD)Beat Folk mode on Hard Brains (HARD) Xeno (HARD) Fighter (VERY HARD)Beat Warrior mode on Very Hard Magician (VERY HARD)Beat Wizard mode on Very Hard Rogue (VERY HARD)Beat Thief mode on Very Hard Farmer (VERY HARD)Beat Folk mode on Very Hard Brains (VERY HARD) Xeno (VERY HARD) Update CIRCUS UPDATE 168 30 3 0.0010 (0%) Show Show (HARD) Show (VERY HARD) Update BABY MODE 60 60 6 0.0011 (100%) Long live the king Long live the king (HARD) Long live the king (VERY HARD) Babysitter Babysitter (HARD) Babysitter (VERY HARD)