They Are Billions Achievements Here is the full list of all 34 They Are Billions achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Infected Killer Level 110.000 infected killed! Infected Killer Level 250.000 infected killed! Infected Killer Level 3100.000 infected killed! Infected Killer Level 4500.000 infected killed! Infected Killer Level 51 Million infected killed! Infected Killer Level 62 Millions infected killed! Infected Killer Level 75 Millions infected killed! Infected Killer Level 810 Millions infected killed! Infected Killer Level 950 Millions infected killed! Infected Killer Level 10100 Millions infected killed! Colony Mayor Level 1Build a colony with 1.000 colonists. Colony Mayor Level 2Build a colony with 2.000 colonists. Colony Mayor Level 3Build a colony with 5.000 colonists. Colony Mayor Level 4Build a colony with 10.000 colonists. Survivor Level 1Win a Survival game on Easy mode. Survivor Level 2Win a Survival game on Accesible mode. Survivor Level 3Win a Survival game on Challenging mode. Survivor Level 4Win a Survival game on Brutal mode. Giant Slayer Level 1Kill an Infected Giant. Giant Slayer Level 2Kill two Infected Giant on the same map. Giant Slayer Level 3Kill three Infected Giant on the same map. The Most Wonderful ColonyBuild the six wonders in your colony. Open MindWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) without using walls, gates and towers. Soldier WrathWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) with just Soldiers in your army. No Attack Towers allowed. Ranger RevengeWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) with just Rangers in your army. No Attack Towers allowed. Sniper SlaughterWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) with just Snipers in your army. No Attack Towers allowed. No Towers NeededWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 200%) without using Attack Towers like Ballista or Executor. PeacefulWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) with no new units trained. UnstoppableWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) without pausing the game. Best GeneralWin a Survival game (Score Factor >= 100%) with no casualties. No Attack Towers allowed. For Quintus! Level 1Win The New Empire Campaign with a score of 10.000 victory points. For Quintus! Level 2Win The New Empire Campaign with a score of 25.000 victory points. For Quintus! Level 3Win The New Empire Campaign with a score of 40.000 victory points. For Quintus! Level 4Win The New Empire Campaign with a score of 70.000 victory points.