The Walking Dead Onslaught Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 The Walking Dead Onslaught achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply AdriftFinish Chapter 1: Desperate Days (Any Difficulty) A Lighthouse BeckonsFinish Chapter 2: Strange Circumstances (Any Difficulty) Stones Before the ShoreFinish Chapter 3: The Rabbit Hole (Any Difficulty) Echos of What's GoneFinish Chapter 4: Around the Bend (Any Difficulty) KatabasisFinish Chapter 5: Roads Less Traveled (Any Difficulty) Devils We BecomeFinish Chapter 6: When Dust Settles (Any Difficulty) The Only Peace in This WorldFinish Chapter 7: The Promise (Any Difficulty) Next Time, I'm DrivingFinish Chapter 1: Desperate Days (Veteran) A Pint At WinchesterFinish Chapter 2: Strange Circumstances (Veteran) Parting the Dead SeaFinish Chapter 3: The Rabbit Hole (Veteran) Skip the Block PartyFinish Chapter 4: Around the Bend (Veteran) So... Tetanus Shots?Finish Chapter 5: Roads Less Traveled (Veteran) A Great Place to Live!Finish Chapter 6: As Dust Settles (Veteran) No Perfect PlansFinish Chapter 7: The Promise (Veteran) World Keeps SpinningFinish all Campaign Chapters (Any Difficulty) Just Survive SomehowFinish all Campaign Chapters (Veteran) Catching the RerunsReplay and Finish Any Chapter from Chapter Select Grabbing the BullChoke 30 Walkers Survival Instinct(s)Kill 5 Walkers With One Explosive Trap Tainted MeatKill A Walker With Every Weapon in the Game AichmophobiaKill a Spike Walker Working Through Your IssuesKill 1,193 Walkers Where's My Chicken Dinner?In Scavenger, Get to the Rendezvous Point Without Taking Damage from the Wall Those who Arrive...Complete a Scavenger Site All the Stuff, All the ThingsFind a Supply Cache in a Supply Run Welcome to the Safe ZoneBring a New Survivor to Alexandria Mercy for the LostBring 10 New Survivors to Alexandria Vengeance for the PlunderersReach Maximum Population (25) in Alexandria In DarknessUpgrade a Weapon in the Armory Lil' Ass-KickerDiscover a New Weapon for the Armory We Are The Walking DeadEarn All Achievements First One's FreeFinish the Tutorial ExordiumFinish Prologue: What Comes Before and After (Any Difficulty) Kill TerrapinsKill an Armored Walker Alexandria Ex-IncommunicadoComplete all of Rajul's Requisitions and Fully Upgrade the Town Hall A Fully Stocked PileComplete all of Hazel's Requisitions and Fully Upgrade the Stockpile What Goes Around...Complete all of Sydney's Requisitions and Fully Upgrade the Windmill Hammer Meet NailComplete all of Julia's Requisitions and Fully Upgrade the Forge Well Earned Sick DayComplete all of Oliver's Requisitions and Fully Upgrade the Clinic Live for ThemComplete all Requisitions A Way ForwardConstruct the Town Hall in Alexandria Find PeaceConstruct all Buildings in Alexandria Worth SomethingFully Upgrade all Buildings in Alexandria In BloodFully Upgrade Any Weapon in the Armory Embrace All DeathFully Upgrade All Weapons in the Armory A New BeginningComplete Alexandria (Max Population, Buildings Fully Upgraded, Campaign Complete) Claimed!Discover all Weapons for the Armory A Vast OceanUnlock all Scavenger Sites Every Fine GrainComplete All Scavenger Sites Walk with the DeadDuring Evac, Survive for 3 minutes after the Van Arrives