The Legend of Bum-Bo Achievements Full list of all 48 The Legend of Bum-Bo achievements.The base game contains 38 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 12 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Bumbo The NimbleBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Brave. Bumbo The StoutBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Nimble. Bumbo The WeirdBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Weird. Bumbo The DeadBeat Chapter 4. Bumbo The EmptyBeat the game twice with each character. The BasementBeat Chapter 3 with Bumbo the Weird. Everything's Terrible!Complete chapter 4, 4 times. Bumbo Smash!beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Brave. Snow Globebeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Brave. Needle!beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Nimble. Toothpick!beat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Nimble. Stick!beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Stout. Blender Bladebeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Stout. Puzzle Flickbeat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Weird. Magic Markerbeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Weird. Attack Flybeat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Dead. Number Twobeat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Dead. The D6beat chapter 4 once with Bumbo the Empty. Glitch!beat chapter 4 twice with Bumbo the Empty. Mega Boogie!Make a 7+ Booger tile combo. Mega Chomper!Make a 7+ Tooth tile combo. Mega Boner!Make a 7+ Bone tile combo. Mega Peepee!Make a 7+ Pee tile combo. Mega Turd!Make a 7+ Poop tile combo. Brimstone!Win the jackpot ending once. Bloody BagWin the jackpot ending twice. Prayer CardWin the jackpot ending three times. Suck BagWin the jackpot ending four times. Krampus CrossWin the jackpot ending five times. Soul BagWin the jackpot ending six times. D20Win the jackpot ending seven times. Juice BagWin the jackpot ending eight times. LibraWin the jackpot ending nine times. Bag of TrashWin the jackpot ending ten times. Mega Love!Make a 7+ Heart tile combo. Mega Cursed!Make a 7+ curse tile combo. The Forlorn HollowBeat Chapter 1 with Bumbo the Brave. The Halls of BelialBeat Chapter 2 with Bumbo the Brave. Update The Lost Expansion 349 100 10 0.0019879 (40%) Bumbo The LostBeat Chapter 1-3 without taking damage. The NegativeBeat the game with The Lost. BackstabberBeat the game with The Nimble while holding 45+ coins. Cat HeartBeat the game with The Stout while holding 45+ coins. Dead DoveBeat the game with The Lost twice. 20lbs WeightBeat the game with The Brave while holding 45+ coins. Buzz UpBeat the game with The Dead while holding 45+ coins. PauseBeat the game with The Weird while holding 45+ coins. 20/20Beat the game with The Empty while holding 45+ coins. Holy MantleBeat the game with The Lost while holding 45+ coins.