Here is the full list of all 28 The Hex achievements. It takes around 8-10 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.
Completed Super Weasel Kid's memory.
Completed Bryce's memory.
Completed Chandrelle's memory.
Completed Rust's memory.
Completed Lazarus' memory.
Completed ???'s memory.
Opened The Hex.
Discovered the truth about Mr. Shrewd.
Free Vallamir.
Score a 1000 hit combo in Combat Arena X.
Score a true KO on Alley Gator in Combat Arena X.
Complete the original Super Weasel Kid without any help from Mr. Shrewd.
Learn all of Catarina's secrets in Super Weasel Kid.
Buy 10 upgrades from the Scrap Shop in Waste World.
Activate a gated mod in Waste World.
Deal at least 500 damage in a single strike in Secrets of Legendaria.
Find Missing No. in Secrets of Legendaria.
Perform a 360 No Scope with the sniper rifle.
Wooed a Great Kraken.
Help Rebecha survive the first wave in Walk.
Receive 4 card readings from Catarina in Walk.
Crashed Secrets of Legendaria.
Crashed Combat Arena X.
Crashed Waste World.
Crashed Super Weasel Kid '09.
Crashed Walk
Crack a soda vending machine at The Six Pint.
Crack all the vending machines at The Six Pint.