The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Achievements Full list of all 640 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth achievements. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 242 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 398 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply MagdaleneUnlocked a new character. 1 guideCainUnlocked a new character. 1 guideJudasUnlocked a new character. 1 guideThe WombChapter 4 - The Womb unlocked. 1 guideThe HarbingersThe horsemen are loose. 1 guideA Cube of MeatUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe Book of RevelationsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA NooseUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe NailUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA QuarterUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA Fetus in a JarUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA Small RockUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMonstro's ToothUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLil' ChubbyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLoki's HornsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSomething From The FutureNew boss in the basement! 1 guideSomething CuteNew boss in the caves! 1 guideSomething StickyNew boss in the depths! 1 guideA BandageUnlocked a new item. 2 guidesA CrossUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA Bag of PenniesUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe Book of SinUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLittle GishUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLittle StevenUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLittle C.H.A.D.Unlocked a new item. 1 guideA GamekidUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA HaloUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMr. MegaUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe D6Isaac now holds the D6! 1 guideThe ScissorsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe ParasiteUnlocked a new item. 1 guide???Unlocked a new character. 1 guideEverything is Terrible!!!The game just got harder! 1 guideIt Lives!Your future's past waits. 1 guideMom's ContactUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe NecronomiconUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBasement BoyBeat basement without taking damage. 1 guideSpelunker BoyBeat caves without taking damage. Dark BoyBeat depths without taking damage. Mama's BoyBeat womb without taking damage. Golden God!You are the best!! 1 guideEveUnlocked a new character. 1 guideMom's KnifeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe RazorUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGuardian AngelUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA Bag of BombsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDemon BabyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideForget Me NowUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe D20Unlocked a new item. 1 guideCeltic CrossUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAbelUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCurved HornUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSacrificial DaggerUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBloody LustUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlood PennyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlood RightsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe PolaroidUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDad's KeyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlue CandleUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBurnt PennyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLucky ToeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEpic FetusUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSMB Super FanUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCounterfeit CoinUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGuppy's HairballUnlocked a new item. 1 guideA Forgotten HorsemanUnlocked a new boss! 1 guideSamsonUnlocked a new character. 1 guideSomething IckyNew boss in the womb! 1 guide!Platinum God!OMG! 1 guideIsaac's HeadUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMaggy's FaithUnlocked a new item. 1 guideJudas' TongueUnlocked a new item. 1 guide???'s SoulUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSamson's LockUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCain's EyeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEve's Bird FootUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe Left HandUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe NegativeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAzazelUnlocked a new character. 1 guideLazarusUnlocked a new character. 1 guideEdenUnlocked a new character. 1 guideThe LostUnlocked a new character. 1 guideDead BoyBeat Chest or Dark Room without taking damage. The Real Platinum God111% now stop playing! 1 guideLucky RockDestroy 100 rocks. 1 guideThe CellarAlt stage to the basement. 1 guideThe CatacombsAlt stage to the caves. 1 guideThe NecropolisAlt stage to the depths. 1 guideRune of HagalazUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of JeraUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of EhwazUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of DagazUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of AnsuzUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of PerthroUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of BerkanoUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune of AlgizUnlocked a new item. 1 guideChaos CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCredit CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRules CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCard Against HumanityUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSwallowed PennyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRobo-Baby 2.0Unlocked a new item. 1 guideDeath's TouchUnlocked a new item. 1 guideTechnology .5Unlocked a new item. 1 guideMissing No.Unlocked a new item. 1 guideIsaac's TearsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGuillotineUnlocked a new item. 1 guideJudas' ShadowUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMaggy's BowUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCain's Other EyeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlack LipstickUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEve's MascaraUnlocked a new item. 1 guideFateUnlocked a new item. 2 guides???'s Only FriendUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSamson's ChainsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLazarus' RagsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBroken AnkhUnlocked a new item. 1 guideStore CreditUnlocked a new item. 1 guidePandora's BoxUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSuicide KingUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlank CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBook of SecretsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMysterious PaperUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMystery SackUnlocked a new item. 1 guideUndefinedUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSatanic BibleUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDaemon's TailUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAbaddonUnlocked a new item. 1 guideIsaac's HeartUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe MindUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe BodyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe SoulUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlue MapUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThere's OptionsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlack CandleUnlocked a new item. 1 guideStop WatchUnlocked a new item. 1 guideWire Coat HangerUnlocked a new item. 1 guideIpecacUnlocked a new item. 1 guideExperimental TreatmentUnlocked a new item. 1 guideKrampusUnlocked another miniboss! 1 guideHead of KrampusUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSuper Meat BoyBuilt him out of meat cubes. 1 guideButter BeanUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLittle BaggyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlood BagUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe D4Unlocked a new item. 1 guideMissing PosterUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRubber CementUnlocked a new item. 1 guideStore Upgrade lv.1Donated 20 pennies to the shop. 1 guideStore Upgrade lv.2Donated 100 pennies to the shop. 1 guideStore Upgrade lv.3Donated 200 pennies to the shop. 1 guideStore Upgrade lv.4Donated 600 pennies to the shop. 1 guideAngelsThey are waiting. 1 guideGodheadUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDarkness FallsUnlocked Challenge #4. 1 guideThe TankUnlocked Challenge #5. 1 guideSolar SystemUnlocked Challenge #6. 1 guideSuicide KingUnlocked Challenge #7. 1 guideCat Got Your TongueUnlocked Challenge #8. 1 guideDemo ManUnlocked Challenge #9. 1 guideCursed!Unlocked Challenge #10. 1 guideGlass CannonUnlocked Challenge #11. 1 guideThe Family ManUnlocked Challenge #19. 1 guidePuristUnlocked Challenge #20. 1 guideThe D100Unlocked a new item. 1 guideRed CandleUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLost BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideCute BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideCrow BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideShadow BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideGlass BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideWrapped BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBegotten BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideDead BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guide-0- BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideGlitch BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideFighting BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideLord of the FliesYou became Lord of the Flies. 1 guideApollyonUnlocked a new character. 1 guideGreedier!New mode unlocked! 1 guideBurning BasementAlt stage to the basement. 1 guideFlooded CavesAlt stage to the caves. 1 guideDank DepthsAlt stage to the depths. 1 guideScarred WombAlt stage to the womb. 1 guideSomething wicked this way comes!Unlocked new bosses! 1 guideSomething wicked this way comes+!Unlocked even more bosses! 1 guideThe gate is open!Unlocked new enemies! 1 guideBlack HoleUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMystery GiftUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSprinklerUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAngry FlyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBozoUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBroken ModemUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBuddy in a BoxUnlocked a new item. 1 guideFast BombsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLil DeliriumUnlocked a new item. 1 guideHairpinUnlocked a new item. 1 guideWooden CrossUnlocked a new item. 1 guideButterUnlocked a new item. 1 guideHuge GrowthUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAncient RecallUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEra WalkUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCouponUnlocked a new item. 1 guideTelekinesisUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMoving BoxUnlocked a new item. 1 guideJumper CablesUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLeprosyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideTechnology ZeroUnlocked a new item. 2 guidesFiligree FeatherUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMr. MeUnlocked a new item. 1 guide7 SealsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideAngelic PrismUnlocked a new item. 1 guidePop!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideDoor StopUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDeath's ListUnlocked a new item. 1 guideHaemolacriaUnlocked a new item. 2 guidesLacrhyphagyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSchoolbagUnlocked a new item. 1 guideTrisagionUnlocked a new item. 1 guideExtension CordUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSacrificial AltarUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLil SpewerUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlanketUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMarblesUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRotten PennyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBaby-BenderUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe Forgotten 1 guideBone Heart 1 guideMarrow 1 guideSlipped Rib 1 guidePointy Rib 1 guideJaw Bone 1 guideBrittle Bones 1 guideDivorce Papers 1 guideHallowed Ground 1 guideFinger Bone 1 guideDad's Ring 1 guideBook of the Dead 1 guideBone Baby 1 guideBound Baby 1 guideFlat StoneUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMystery EggUnlocked a new item. 1 guide Add-on Afterbirth 1,537 980 98 4.6914,3763,273 (23%)200+h Fart BabyUnlocked a new item. 1 guidePurityUnlocked a new item. 1 guideD12Unlocked a new item. 1 guideBetrayalUnlocked a new item. 1 guideFate's RewardUnlocked a new item 1 guideAthameUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlind RageUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMaw of the VoidUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEmpty VesselUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEden's BlessingUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSworn ProtectorUnlocked a new item. 1 guideIncubusUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLil' ChestUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCenserUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEvil EyeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMy ShadowUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCracked DiceUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlack FeatherUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLusty BloodUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLilithUnlocked a new character. 1 guideKey BumUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGB BugUnlocked a new item. 1 guideZodiacUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBox of FriendsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRune BagUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCambion ConceptionUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSerpent's KissUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSuccubusUnlocked a new item. 1 guideImmaculate ConceptionUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGold HeartUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGet out of Jail Free CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideGold BombUnlocked a new item. 1 guide2 new pillsUnlocked a new item. 1 guide2 new pillsUnlocked a new item. 1 guidePoker ChipUnlocked a new item. 1 guideStud FinderUnlocked a new item. 1 guideD8Unlocked a new item. 1 guideKidney StoneUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlank RuneUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlue WombUnlocked a hidden chapter. 1 guideLucky PenniesUnlocked a new item. 2 guidesWooden NickelUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCain holds PaperclipUnlocked a new starting item. 1 guideXXXXXXXXLUnlocked Challenge #21. 1 guideSPEED!Unlocked Challenge #22. 1 guideBlue BomberUnlocked Challenge #23. 1 guidePAY TO PLAYUnlocked Challenge #24. 1 guideHave a heartUnlocked Challenge #25. 1 guideI RULE!Unlocked Challenge #26. 1 guideBRAINS!Unlocked Challenge #27. 1 guidePRIDE DAY!Unlocked Challenge #28. 1 guideOnan's StreakUnlocked Challenge #29. 1 guideThe GuardianUnlocked Challenge #30. 1 guideCry BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideRed BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideGreen BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBrown BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBlue BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideLil' BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideRage BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBlack BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideLong BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideYellow BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideWhite BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBig BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideGoat Head BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideHive BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBuddy BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideColorful BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideWhore BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideCracked BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideDripping BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBlinding BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideSucky BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideDark BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guidePicky BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideRevenge BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBelial BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideSpecial Hanging ShopkeepersUnlocked a secret. 2 guidesGenerosity 1 guideEverything is Terrible 2!!!Greed just got harder! 1 guideSpecial ShopkeepersUnlocked a secret. 1 guideEve now holds Razor BladeUnlocked a new starting item. 1 guideStore KeyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLost holds Holy MantleUnlocked a new starting item. 1 guideMegaUnlocked... 1 guideKeeper now holds... A Penny!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideRib of GreedUnlocked a new item. 1 guideNoose BabyUnlocked a new item. 1 guide1001%Nerd x 1000000 1 guideKeeper holds Wooden NickelUnlocked a new starting item. 1 guideKeeper holds Store KeyUnlocked a new starting item. 1 guideDeep PocketsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideKarmaUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSticky NickelsUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSuper Greed BabyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideKeeperUnlocked a new character. 1 guideSale BabyUnlocked a new item. 1 guide Add-on Afterbirth+ 1,042 630 63 4.1713,0062,594 (20%)200+h BackasswardsUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideAprils foolUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guidePokey MansUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideUltra HardUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guidePONGUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideD InfinityUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEucharistUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSilver DollarUnlocked a new item. 1 guideShadeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideKing BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideBloody CrownUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDull RazorUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEden's SoulUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDark Prince's CrownUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCompound FractureUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEuthanasiaUnlocked a new item. 1 guideHoly CardUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCrooked PennyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideVoidUnlocked a new item. 1 guideD1Unlocked a new item. 1 guideGlyph of BalanceUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSack of SacksUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEye of BelialUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMeconiumUnlocked a new item. 1 guideStem CellUnlocked a new item. 1 guideCrow HeartUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMetronomeUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBat WingUnlocked a new item. 1 guidePlan CUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDualityUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDad's Lost CoinUnlocked a new item. 1 guideEye of GreedUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBlack RuneUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLocust of WrathUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLocust of PestilenceUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLocust of FamineUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLocust of DeathUnlocked a new item. 1 guideLocust of ConquestUnlocked a new item. 1 guideHushyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideBrown NuggetUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMort BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideSmelterUnlocked a new item. 1 guideApollyon BabyUnlocked a new co-player baby. 1 guideNew AreaUnlocked a new area. 1 guideOnce More with Feeling!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideHat trick!Unlocked a new item. 1 guide5 Nights at Mom'sUnlocked super special rocks. 1 guideSin collectorUnlocked a new item. 1 guideDedicationUnlocked a new item. 1 guideZIP!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideIt's the KeyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideMr. Resetter!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideLiving on the edgeUnlocked a new item. U Broke It!Unlocked a new item. 1 guideLaz Bleeds More!Unlocked a new starting item. 1 guideMaggy Now Holds a Pill!Unlocked a new starting item. 1 guideCharged KeyUnlocked a new item. 1 guideSamson Feels Healthy!Unlocked a new starting item. 1 guideGreed's GulletUnlocked a new item. 1 guideThe MarathonUnlocked a new item. 1 guideRERUNUnlocked the power of RERUN. 1 guideDelirious 1 guide1000000% 1 guide Add-on Repentance 4,764 2,340 234 5.009,6271,626 (17%)200+h BethanyBeat Hard mode as Lazarus without losing a life 1 guideJacob and EsauYou are just like your father... 1 guideThe PlanetariumKids shouldn't believe in fortunes... 1 guideA Secret ExitComplete ??? 3 times. 1 guideForgotten LullabyGet that song out of her head. 1 guideFruity PlumDefeat Baby Plum 10 times. Plum FluteMake a new friend! 1 guideRotten HeartEnter the Corpse... 1 guideDrossDefeat all bosses in Downpour. AshpitDefeat all bosses in the Mines. GehennaDefeat all bosses in the Mausoleum. Red KeyThe other side is calling... 1 guideWisp BabyBeat the game in Hard mode with Bethany. Book of VirtuesComplete the Cathedral with Bethany. Urn of SoulsComplete Sheol with Bethany. Blessed PennyComplete the Chest with Bethany. Alabaster BoxComplete the Dark Room with Bethany. Beth's FaithComplete Boss Rush with Bethany. Soul LocketBeat Greed mode with Bethany. Divine InterventionComplete ??? with Bethany. Vade RetroBeat Greedier mode with Bethany. Star of BethlehemBeat the Void with Bethany. Hope BabyBeat everything in Hard mode with Bethany. Glowing BabyDefeat Mega Satan with Bethany. Double BabyBeat the game in Hard mode with Jacob and Esau. The StairwayComplete the Cathedral with Jacob and Esau. Red StewComplete Sheol with Jacob and Esau. BirthrightComplete the Chest with Jacob and Esau. DamoclesComplete the Dark Room with Jacob and Esau. Rock BottomComplete Boss Rush with Jacob and Esau. Inner ChildBeat Greed mode with Jacob and Esau. Vanishing TwinComplete ??? with Jacob and Esau. GenesisBeat Greedier mode with Jacob and Esau. Suplex!Complete the Void with Jacob and Esau. Solomon's BabyBeat everything in Hard mode with Jacob and Esau. Illusion BabyDefeat Mega Satan with Jacob and Esau. Meat CleaverComplete the Corpse with Isaac. Options?Complete the final chapter with Isaac. 1 guideYuck HeartComplete the Corpse with Magdalene. 1 guideCandy HeartComplete the final chapter with Magdalene. 1 guideGuppy's EyeComplete the Corpse with Cain. A Pound of FleshComplete the final chapter with Cain. 1 guideAkeldamaComplete the Corpse with Judas. 1 guideRedemptionComplete the final chapter with Judas. 1 guideEternal D6Complete the Corpse with ???. Montezuma's RevengeComplete the final chapter with ???. 1 guideBird CageComplete the Corpse with Eve. Cracked OrbComplete the final chapter with Eve. 1 guideBloody GustComplete the Corpse with Samson. Empty HeartComplete the final chapter with Samson. 1 guideDevil's CrownComplete the Corpse with Azazel. Lil AbaddonComplete the final chapter with Azazel. 1 guideTinytomaComplete the Corpse with Lazarus. Astral ProjectionComplete the final chapter with Lazarus. 1 guide'MComplete the Corpse with Eden. Everything JarComplete the final chapter with Eden. 1 guideLost SoulComplete the Corpse with the Lost. Hungry SoulComplete the final chapter with the Lost. 1 guideBlood PuppyComplete the Corpse with Lilith. C SectionComplete the final chapter with Lilith. 1 guideKeeper's SackComplete the Corpse with Keeper. Keeper's BoxComplete the final chapter with Keeper. 1 guideLil PortalComplete the Corpse with Apollyon. Worm FriendComplete the final chapter with Apollyon. 1 guideBone SpursComplete the Corpse with the Forgotten. Spirit ShacklesComplete the final chapter with the Forgotten. 1 guideRevelationComplete the Corpse with Bethany. Jar of WispsComplete the final chapter with Bethany. 1 guideMagic SkinComplete the Corpse with Jacob and Esau. Friend FinderComplete the final chapter with Jacob and Esau. 1 guideThe Broken 1 guideThe Dauntless 1 guideThe Hoarder 1 guideThe Deceiver 1 guideThe Soiled 1 guideThe Curdled 1 guideThe Savage 1 guideThe Benighted 1 guideThe Enigma 1 guideThe Capricious 1 guideThe Baleful The Harlot The Miser 1 guideThe Empty 1 guideThe Fettered 1 guideThe Zealot 1 guideThe Deserter 1 guideGlitched Crown Belly Jelly 1 guideBlue Key Sanguine Bond 1 guideThe Swarm 1 guideHeartbreak 1 guideLarynx 1 guideAzazel's Rage 1 guideSalvation 1 guideTMTRAINER 1 guideSacred Orb 1 guideTwisted Pair 1 guideStrawman 1 guideEcho Chamber 1 guideIsaac's Tomb 1 guideVengeful Spirit 1 guideEsau Jr. 1 guideBloody MaryUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideBaptism by FireUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideIsaac's AwakeningUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideSeeing DoubleUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guidePica RunUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideHot PotatoUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideCantripped!Unlocked a new challenge. 1 guideRed RedemptionUnlocked a new challenge. 1 guideDELETE THIS 1 guideDirty Mind 1 guideSigil of Baphomet 1 guidePurgatory 1 guideSpirit Sword 1 guideBroken Glasses 1 guideIce Cube 1 guideCharged PennyThey will charge you up... for a small fee. 1 guideThe Fool 1 guideThe Magician 1 guideThe High Priestess 1 guideThe Empress 1 guideThe Emperor 1 guideThe Hierophant 1 guideThe Lovers 1 guideThe Chariot 1 guideJustice 1 guideThe Hermit 1 guideWheel of Fortune 1 guideStrength 1 guideThe Hanged Man 1 guideDeath 1 guideTemperance 1 guideThe Devil The Tower 1 guideThe Stars The Sun and the Moon 1 guideJudgement 1 guideThe World 1 guideOld CapacitorKill 10 Battery Bums. Brimstone BombsKill Hornfel before he escapes! Mega MushBeat everything in Hard Mode as every character. Mom's Lock 1 guideDice Bag Holy Crown 1 guideMother's Kiss 1 guideGilded Key Lucky Sack Your Soul Number Magnet 1 guideDingle Berry 1 guideRing Cap 1 guideStrange Key 1 guideLil Clot 1 guideTemporary Tattoo Swallowed M80 1 guideWicked Crown Azazel's Stump Torn Pocket 1 guideTorn Card 1 guideNuh Uh! Modeling Clay 1 guideKid's Drawing 1 guideCrystal Key 1 guideThe Twins Adoption Papers 1 guideKeeper's Bargain Cursed Penny 1 guideCricket Leg 1 guideApollyon's Best Friend 1 guidePolished Bone 1 guideHollow Heart 1 guideExpansion Pack 1 guideBeth's Essence 1 guideRC Remote 1 guideFound Soul 1 guideMember CardSpend 40+ pennies in a single shop. Golden RazorObtain 99 pennies. Then spend every single one of them. 3 guidesSpindown Dice 1 guideHypercoagulation 1 guideBag of Crafting Dark Arts 1 guideIBS 1 guideSumptorium 1 guideBerserk! Hemoptysis 1 guideFlip 1 guideCorrupted Data Ghost Bombs 1 guideGello 1 guideKeeper's Kin Abyss 1 guideDecap Attack 1 guideLemegeton 1 guideAnima Sola 1 guideMega Chest 1 guideQueen of Hearts Gold Pill Black Sack 1 guideCharming Poop 1 guideHorse Pill 1 guideCrane Game Hell Game 1 guideWooden Chest 1 guideWild Card 1 guideHaunted Chest 1 guideFool's Gold Golden Penny Rotten Beggar 1 guideGolden Battery 1 guideConfessional 1 guideGolden Trinket 1 guideSoul of Isaac 1 guideSoul of Magdalene 1 guideSoul of Cain Soul of Judas Soul of ??? 1 guideSoul of Eve 1 guideSoul of Samson Soul of Azazel 1 guideSoul of Lazarus 1 guideSoul of Eden 1 guideSoul of the Lost 1 guideSoul of Lilith 1 guideSoul of the Keeper Soul of Apollyon 1 guideSoul of the Forgotten 1 guideSoul of Bethany Soul of Jacob and Esau 1 guideA Strange DoorWhere could it lead to? 1 guideDeath Certificate 1 guideDead God 1 guide Add-on Repentance+ 66 30 3 0.002,412773 (32%)1-2h Play OnlinePlay an online match Win OnlineWin an online match Win Online DailyWin an online Daily Run