The Banner Saga 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 55 The Banner Saga 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 55 Offline Mode 55 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 15 Difficulty Specific 1 Collectable 27 Missable 12 Cumulative + 1 Shop 3 Time/Date 1 External Content Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Treasure HunterAcquire 3 rank 10 items. Forced MarchReach Arberrang in 100 days or less. Master TacticianWith 6 Rank 10 units, win a Hard difficulty sparring battle in the Training Tent. WarmongerFight 32 battles in a single playthrough. Against all OddsPrevail with Rook against overwhelming numbers. Culling FrenzyKill 5 in one turn with Cull the Weak. SneakyKill 5 enemies while stealthed. Alliance of ConvenienceMaintain an alliance with Rugga. Sven's TrainingComplete Sven's Training. Holfi's TrainingComplete Holfi's Training. DemolitionBreak 30 barricades in a single playthrough. BerserkerDefeat 3 enemies with a Berserk. ShieldmaidenDefeat 3 enemies with a Shieldmaiden. PoetDefeat 3 enemies with a Poet. CantrefDefeat 3 enemies with a Female Horseborn Cantref. TeuluDefeat 3 enemies with a Male Horseborn Teulu. Axe ThrowerDefeat 3 enemies with an Axe Thrower. WandererDefeat 3 enemies with a Wanderer. ZefrDefeat 3 enemies with Zefr. SlaughtererDefeat 3 enemies with a Slaughterer. TrackerDefeat 3 enemies with a Tracker. War BearDefeat 3 enemies with War Bear. Normal DifficultyComplete the game on Normal difficulty. Hard DifficultyComplete the game on Hard difficulty. ChallengeComplete the game on Hard difficulty level without losing a single battle. QuartermasterComplete the game without letting anyone in your caravan die to hunger. High SpiritsComplete the game without ever getting low morale. Rook's JourneyMeet King Meinolf with Rook. Alette's JourneyMeet King Meinolf with Alette. The Saga ContinuesImport Save Game from Banner Saga 1. AseleiVisit the godstone Aselei. IrynxVisit the godstone Irynx. BaldringrVisit the godstone Baldringr. Vez'nanVisit the godstone Vez'nan. GeirraðrVisit the godstone Geirraðr. BygglaererVisit the godstone Bygglaerer. LaugaVisit the godstone Lauga. Leader of ClansBring 400 clansmen safely into Arberrang. Fighting ForceBuild an army of over 600 trained fighters. Intense RepossessionWitness Eyeless possess 10 fallen units. Varl DregsReach Oldford with at least 20 Varl following Bolverk. Keep Your WitsBolverk always acts as the Ravens expect. Sundr SlayerKill a Sundr. Example to OthersSurvive with only female Heroes. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) Not Some FantasySurvive with only human Heroes. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) Quad-Core HardcoreSurvive using only parties of 4 varl in every battle. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) The SkirmisherSurvive all battles on Easy. A Fallen FewSurvive with fewer than 20 Heroes dying. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) The BerserkSurvive all battles on Hard. Together or Not At AllSurvive without a single Hero dying. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) Inner FireSurvive without using the Horn for willpower. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) No OutsidersSurvive without Recruiting Heroes. (Normal or Hard Difficulty) Krumr's MentorSurvive Hard Mode without a single reload The ProfessionalSurvive all battles on Normal. On Wings of RavensSurvive in less than 180 minutes for your total turns. (Normal or Hard Difficulty)