Tetris Effect: Connected Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 Tetris Effect: Connected achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 4 Offline Mode 2 Online Mode 38 Online/Offline 43 Single Player 40 Versus 3 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 19 Cumulative + 5 Level 3 Time/Date 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Certified PlatinumEarn all achievements. Certified ApprenticeAchieve Player Level 10. Certified ExpertAchieve Player Level 30. Certified MasterAchieve Player Level 50. Certified Grand MasterAchieve Player Level 100. Get In LineClear 100 Lines. Next In LineClear 1000 Lines. End of the LineClear 10,000 Lines. Spin ArtistRotate Tetriminos 100,000 times. Just Getting StartedEarn 10 Tetris Line Clears. Got the Hang of It NowEarn 100 Tetris Line Clears. BOOM! TETRIS!Earn 500 Tetris Line Clears. Back-to-Back HackEarn 50 Back-to-Backs. Back-to-Back MackEarn 500 Back-to-Backs. Back-to-Back AttackEarn 10 Back-to-Backs in a row. T-Spin Break-InEarn 10 T-Spins. T-Spin King-PinEarn 100 T-Spins. Combo RousseauEarn a 10 Combo. Combo Van GoghEarn a 15 Combo. All Clear?Earn 10 All Clears. All Clear!Earn 100 All Clears. With a Single StepComplete Area 1 of Journey Mode. Don't Stop Believin'Complete Area 4 of Journey Mode. Long, Strange TripComplete all Areas of Journey Mode. Enter the ZoneActivate the Zone mechanic. 10-Minute Parking ZoneEnter the Zone for more than 10 minutes total. DodecatristClear 12 Lines or more in a single Zone visit. 1 guidePerfectristClear 18 Lines or more in a single Zone visit. Comfort ZoneClear 1000 Lines total across all Zone visits. Tetris and ChillClear Ambient: Sea, Wind, and World modes. The ClassicsPlay Marathon, Ultra and Sprint modes. Make a WishWitness a meteor shower in Countdown mode. tceffE ediS sirteT.noisnemid desrever gniyonna na ni yalP Gold MineDiscover a land of golden Tetriminos. 1 guideWeekend WarriorParticipate in a Weekly Ritual. PeniciIlin'Clear 1,000 Infected Blocks in Purify mode. Expert WitnessComplete all Areas of Expert Journey Mode. "A" StudentEarn A Rank or higher in all Areas of Journey Mode. Straight "A"sEarn A Rank or higher in all Effect Modes. Savvy & StrongEarn your first SS Rank. Super SpecialEarn SS Rank 10 times. Seriously? Seriously.Earn S Rank everywhere possible. Avatar RockstarEarn 100 avatars.