Test Drive Unlimited 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 57 Test Drive Unlimited 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 34 Offline Mode 34 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 5 Collectable 12 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 2 Level 11 Shop 1 Time Consuming 1 Partly Disc/Unob 21 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (2)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Level 60Reach level 60 Aloha!Make it to Hawaii LearningObtain The C4 license Racing School MasterObtain all licenses The BeginnerWin a championship King of IbizaWin Ibiza Cup, area 1 CoronationWin all championships & cups Multi-ChallengerWin 5 challenges in each multiplayer mode (Race, Speed, Speedtrap) Instant challenge, easy cash!Earn $10 000 in instant challenges 1 guideCockpit AddictDrive 500 km (311 miles) using the cockpit view (any game mode) Fast and LuxuriousDrive at 400 km/h (249 mph) during 5 sec. (any game mode) Say "Cheese"!Get clocked by the radar 100 times (Speedtrap game mode) Tuning AddictTune a car to the max level My Beautiful Caravan...Own 1 house (caravan) Subprime crisis?Own one house of each level Fashion VictimChange your clothes or hairstyle 40 times MummyComplete 20 multiplayer challenges with bandages Small CollectionOwn 3 different cars One of eachOwn a car from each category (A7-A6-A5-A4-A3-A2-A1, C4-C3, B4-B3) God of CarsOwn all purchasable cars Car-tistDecorate 5 different cars 1 guideBig SpenderSpend 1 million dollars Get rich or try drivingPossess 1 million dollars Reckless DriverDrive around and hit 100 IA controlled cars and destructible objets Easy MoneyEarn $100 000 with F.R.I.M. Hard earned moneyBank the maximum level of F.R.I.M. (10) KangarooMake a 100 m (109 yd) jump (any game mode) CruisingDrive 200 km (124 miles) Road EaterDrive 1000 km (621 miles) The ExplorerDrive 5000 km (3107 miles) Helping handSucceed in 10 missions Events AccomplishedAchieve all missions Ibiza PhotographerFind 5 viewpoints on Ibiza (photographer) ReporterFind all viewpoints (photographer) Hey! What's this car?!Own 1 bonus car (treasure hunt) Tyrannosaurus wrecksOwn all 6 bonus cars (treasure hunt) Me against all of youPlay 40 challenges in the Community Racing Center Social ButterflyJoin and invite friends 100 times (any game mode) Better than a GPSInvite 10 players to drive with you in your car 1 guideCo-op ChallengerDrive 150 km (93 miles) in "Keep Your Distance" and "Follow the Leader" modes Keep your distanceDrive for 15 sec. above 100 km/h (62 mph) with 8 players in "Keep Your Distance" mode Exclusive CarDrive a Club car 1 guideExclusive CarSDrive all Club cars 1 guideMy Club and MeDrive 150 km (93 miles) in intra-Club challenges Club BasherWin 30 Club vs Club challenges MarshallArrest 30 outlaws in Online Chase Mode Fugitive WantedOutrun the police 30 times in Online Chase Mode Risk TakerCasino: Give up a Three of a Kind while playing Video Poker and win the next hand Island CaretakerCasino: Wake up the Island caretaker 1 guideDrinksCasino: Have 10 cocktails at once at a poker table WesternCasino: Play the "duel" emote at the same time as your rival at a poker table for two WantedCasino: Get the right look to get the reward 1 guide1-in-38 ChanceCasino: Win a straight-up bet at Roulette Ready to play TDU2?Casino: Get the luxury car displayed in the entrance hall 1 guideCasino Fashion VictimCasino: Buy all clothes available in the Casino Clothes Shop 1 guideSocializingCasino: Unlock all cocktails and emotes 1 guideV.I.P.Casino: Become VIP of the Casino by reaching level 5