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Symphony Achievements

Here is the full list of all 31 Symphony achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Conductor

    "Leads a musical ensemble by way of visible gestures" - Reach the 4-Silver star rating on 10 songs

  • Maestro

    "A title of extreme respect given to a master musician" - Reach the 4-gold star rating on 10 songs

  • Opus I

    "work" or "labour"; a number generally assigned by composers to an individual composition or set of compositions on publication, to help identify their works - Finish the game

  • Orchestra

    "A large instrumental ensemble that contains sections of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments" - Equip 4 different weapons simultaneously

  • Made it to Carnegie Hall

    Upgrade a weapon to level 5

  • Staccato

    "A note of shortened duration separated from the note that may follow by silence" - Find and equip the rare Sonic weapon

  • Crescendo

    "A gradual increase in volume of a musical passage" - Find and equip the rare Charging weapon

  • Con Brio

    "With spirit / vigor" - Get 100% completion and over 30,000 points at the Piano difficulty

  • Bellicoso

    "Warlike, bellicose, belligerent or combative" - Get 100% completion and over 30,000 points at the Mezzo-forte difficulty

  • Col Pugno

    "Bang the piano with the fist" - Get 100% completion and over 30,000 points at the Fortissimo difficulty

  • Sostenuto

    "Sustained, lengthened" - Reach 30,000 points and finish without dying at the Piano difficulty

  • Ostinato

    "Obstinate, persistent; a short musical pattern that is repeated throughout an entire composition" - Reach 30,000 points and finish without dying at the Mezzo-forte difficulty

  • Sempre

    "Always" - Reach 30,000 points and finish without dying at the Fortissimo difficulty

  • Acceso

    "Ignited / on fire" - Perfect game (100% + no death) and over 30,000 points at the Piano difficulty

  • Con Fuoco

    "With fire / in a fiery manner" - Perfect game (100% + no death) and over 30,000 points at the Mezzo-forte difficulty

  • Virtuoso

    "Performing with exceptional ability, technique, or artistry" - Perfect game (100% + no death) and over 30,000 points at the Fortissimo difficulty

  • Vexations

    Play 840 minutes

  • Tacet

    "Silent; do not play" - Get 0% completion

  • Beethoven

    Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (hint: 67 is the key)

  • Haydn

    Symphony No. 104 in D major (Hob.I:104)

  • J.S. Bach

    St Matthew Passion, BWV 244