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Syberia 3

Syberia 3 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 40 Syberia 3 achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

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  • I am legend

    See beneath the surface to convince a survivor to help you.

  • The Valsembor horror

    Listen to two people tell you the story of a local legend.

  • Valsemborgate

    Find out about the region's dark past.

  • Cassandra

    Prove to the clinic staff that you're right despite everything.

  • Tripping

    Receive an old friend's congratulations by helping him before he asks you to.

  • Anything goes

    You set off a strange migratory mechanism without being asked to do a thing…

  • The scriptwriter's nightmare

    While exploring, perform 5 optional actions that influence your progress.

  • Grumpy old...

    Get rebuffed three times by the same character.

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