Super Mega Baseball 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 42 Super Mega Baseball 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 2 Offline Mode 40 Online/Offline 42 Single Player 40 Cooperative 9 Versus 2 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 12 Missable 1 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Ode to the LongballoHit a homerun. Good WoodMake contact with a 95+ score power swing at least five times in a single game against the CPU. Dirty StuffThrow a 95+ score power pitch at least five times in a single game against the CPU. Roll It UpGet two outs on the same play against the CPU. Flashing the LeatherMake an out with a diving catch. Hangin' In ThereFoul-off four pitches with a two-strike count against the CPU. Defensive MeltdownWitness the opposing team make two errors in a single inning. Golden SombreroStrikeout 4 times in a single game with a single player. Gotta Look Good to Play GoodEdit a team logo. I'll Keep It Fair, Trust MeWhile editing a Custom team, increase all of one player's skills to 99. QuadingerHit a homerun with the bases loaded. Keep 'em GuessingThrow at least one pitch of each pitch type in a single game. We're Back in ThisOvercome a 5-run deficit for a win in a Season or Elimination game. Just Give Up AlreadyReach a 10-run lead in a Season or Elimination game. TouristWin a game in every stadium. No You Don'tThrow out a CPU-controlled runner while they're attempting to steal a base. Jack AttackHit four homeruns in a row against the CPU. Get a Real Hit Next TimeGet a base hit with a bunt while playing against the CPU. I Just Need OnePinch hit with a full count and then hit a homerun against the CPU. Unconcealed WeaponSteal a base on the first pitch after bringing in a pinch runner against the CPU. Repeat OffenderHave a single runner steal both second and third base in the same inning against the CPU. Gettin' AroundHave your entire lineup make a plate appearance in a single inning against the CPU. Fun, Fun, Without a RunHave a player with 6 RBIs but no runs in a single game against the CPU. Whiff WizardStrike out 15 batters in one game with a single pitcher against the CPU. A Touch of ClutchWin a game with a walk-off homerun using an "On Fire" or "Jacked" player against the CPU. Termination by IntimidationWin a game by striking out an opposing "Rattled" player against the CPU. Travel by CycleHit a single, double, triple, and homerun with the same player in a Season or Elimination game. Lookin' DemoralizedThrow a called 3rd strike for the 3rd out with the bases loaded in a Season or Elimination game. Pennant TenantMake it to the playoffs in a Season of any length. Bracket BossWin the championship of a Standard Elimination. Tailored Tourney TitanWin the championship of a Custom Elimination. Put a Ring on ItWin the championship of a Standard Season. Cream of the CustomWin the championship of a Custom Season. Distinguished DingerHit a 500+ foot homerun. Your Bagel, SirPitch a 9+ inning complete-game shutout in a Standard Season or Standard Elimination game. Battaire ExtraordinaireTally a regular season batting average over .400 with a player on your team (60+ plate appearances). Pitchaire ExtraordinaireTally a regular season ERA under 1.50 with a pitcher on your team (30+ innings pitched). Knight of KnocksHit a total of 500 hits. WorkhorsePitch 10 complete-game wins against the CPU (9+ inning games only). PerfectoPitch a 9+ inning complete-game perfect game in Season or Elimination mode. SMB2 MasterWin the championship of a Standard Season with a season average Ego of 80 or higher. #Ego99 ChallengeWin a 9+ inning game against the CPU at Ego 99 where both teams are Standard teams.