Sun Haven Achievements Full list of all 181 Sun Haven achievements.The base game contains 136 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 45 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply With a Cluck Cluck HerePlace your first chicken And a Moo Moo TherePlace your first cow Weed KillerDefeat Weedil Alone One More ThymeDefeat Weedil with Help Rocky RoadDefeat Krusty with no help Rock and RollDefeat Krusty with help To the BottomDefeat Dizzy Defeat King Slimius XVIIDefeat the Slime Boss We Have a Winner!Win a carnival Game Customize your Character I!Pick a cool hair style Customize your Character II!Pick a cute hair style Create a Naga CharacterCreate a Naga character Create a Human CharacterCreate a Human character Create an Elf CharacterCreate a Elf character Create a Demon CharacterCreate a Demon character Create an Elemental CharacterCreate an Elemental character Create an Angel CharacterCreate an an Angel character Create an Amari CharacterCreate an Amari character Dungeoneer IBeat Floor 5 in the Combat Dungeon Dungeoneer IIBeat Floor 15 in the Combat Dungeon Dungeoneer IIIBeat Floor 30 in the Combat Dungeon Appease the Moon DragonAppease Dynus through an offering Defeat the Moon DragonDefeat Dynus in combat Dynus's GemsComplete the Mining Altar Dynus's HarvestComplete the Farming Altar Dynus's WorldComplete the Exploration Altar Dynus's HoardComplete the Gold Altar Dynus's CityComplete the Tickets Altar Dynus's OrchardComplete the Fruit Altar Dynus's FeastComplete the Meals Altar Dynus's FutureComplete the Keepsake Altar Legendary FishermanCatch a legendary fish Small CatchHarvest a small fishing net Large CatchHarvest a large fishing net Defeat the Heat ViperDefeat the Heat Viper A Second ChanceGive Stephen a second chance JusticeSend Stephen to Jail Made of MoneyPay your way out of the Glorite Miners Defender of the ForestFight The Glorite Miners An Unexpected FriendReach Commonality with Wesley Big HeartReach 100 Health Extra Big HeartReach 200 Health DieFaint by reaching 0 health Jump 100 TimesJump 100 times 1 guideJump 1000 TimesJump 1000 times Novice MinerReach level 5 Mining Novice ExplorerReach level 5 Exploration Novice FighterReach level 5 Combat Novice FarmerReach level 5 Farming Novice AnglerReach level 5 Fishing Adept FarmerReach level 15 Farming Adept FighterReach level 15 Combat Adept ExplorerReach level 15 Exploration Adept MinerReach level 15 Mining Expert MinerReach level 30 Mining Expert ExplorerReach level 30 Exploration Expert FighterReach level 30 Combat Expert FarmerReach level 30 Farming Expert AnglerReach level 30 Fishing Advanced MinerReach level 50 Mining Advanced ExplorerReach level 50 Exploration Advanced FighterReach level 50 Combat Advanced FarmerReach level 50 Farming Advanced AnglerReach level 50 Fishing Master FarmerUnlock every skill point in Farming Master ExplorerUnlock every skill point in Exploration Master MinerUnlock every skill point in Mining Master FighterUnlock every skill point in Combat Master AnglerUnlock every skill point in Fishing Magic TouchReach 100 Mana Overflowing with MagicReach 300 Mana Wholesome NeighborRestore the neighborhood dog house Fashion IconRestore the Clothing Store Just a TrimRestore the Salon Good SamaritanRestore the Cafe Novice SpelunkerReach Treasure Room 1 in the mines Adept SpelunkerReach Treasure Room 2 in the mines Advanced SpelunkerReach Treasure Room 3 in the mines Expert SpelunkerReach Treasure Room 4 in the mines Past Your BedtimePass out by being awake at 12:00am Pocket ChangeCollect 10,000 gold A Small FortuneCollect 50,000 gold Deep PocketsCollect 100,000 gold WealthyCollect 500,000 gold TreasuryCollect 1,000,000 gold RichCollect 1,000 Tickets RoyaltyCollect 10,000 Tickets Mana In HandCollect 1,000 Mana Orbs Mana Out of HandCollect 10,000 Mana Orbs Riding into the SunsetRide a mount Better with a FriendPlay Sun Haven with 1 friend Better with a GroupPlay Sun Haven with 2 friends Better with a TeamPlay Sun Haven with 3 friends Better with a PartyPlay Sun Haven with 4 or more friends A Complete CollectionComplete the Museum Your New Best FriendLeash a pet I DoGet Married To Woo a MerchantReach 10 hearts with Anne To Woo the ArchmageReach 10 hearts with Lucia To Woo a BlacksmithReach 10 hearts with Lynn To Woo an AdventurerReach 10 hearts with Donovan To Woo a PrinceReach 10 hearts with Darius To Woo an ArchitectReach 10 hearts with Xyla To Woo a DoctorReach 10 hearts with Wornhardt To Woo a WitchReach 10 hearts with Catherine To Woo a BakerReach 10 hearts with Liam To Woo a CounselorReach 10 hearts with Jun To Woo a SeamstressReach 10 hearts with Kitty To Woo an EnchantressReach 10 hearts with Iris To Woo a Wind MageReach 10 hearts with Vaan To Woo the CaptainReach 10 hearts with Nathaniel To Woo a MusicianReach 10 hearts with Claude Golden LoveReach 20 hearts with Anne Fiery LoveReach 20 hearts with Lucia Love at First SightReach 20 hearts with Lynn Freeing LoveReach 20 hearts with Donovan Princely LoveReach 20 hearts with Darius Demonic LoveReach 20 hearts with Xyla Heartfelt LoveReach 20 hearts with Wornhardt Hopping LoveReach 20 hearts with Catherine Sweet LoveReach 20 hearts with Liam Artistic LoveReach 20 hearts with Jun Nya LoveReach 20 hearts with Kitty Magical LoveReach 20 hearts with Iris Worldly LoveReach 20 hearts with Vaan Protective LoveReach 20 hearts with Nathaniel Symphonic LoveReach 20 hearts with Claude HeartbreakerGet Divorced An Apple a day...Gift an apple to Wornhardt A Hop, Skip, and a JumpCast Air Skip 100 times Blast OffCast Air Skip 1000 times Chef's KissFeed the Farm Snaccoon Tree HouseUnlock Nel'Vari Monster HouseUnlock Withergate Dynus's FishComplete the Fishing Altar Adept FisherReach level 15 Fishing Update Patch 1.2 437 110 11 0.001,35844 (3%) A Dream of RomanceSelect the Romance Keepsake A Dream of PeaceSelect the Peace Keepsake A Dream of AdventureSelect the Adventure Keepsake A Dream of RichesSelect the Riches Keepsake To Woo an AssassinReach 10 hearts with Vivi To Woo the ForgetfulReach 10 hearts with Kai To Woo the AssistantReach 10 hearts with Wesley Sharp LoveReach 20 hearts with Vivi Long Lost LoveReach 20 hearts with Kai Sprouting LoveReach 20 hearts with Wesley Train SkipperSkip Sun Haven's intro and receive the Time Keepsake 1 guide Update Patch 1.3 933 220 22 0.0060740 (7%) To Woo an AngelReach 10 hearts with Miyeon To Woo a WarriorReach 10 hearts with Shang To Woo the Moon10 hearts with Lucius Angelic LoveReach 20 hearts with Miyeon Valiant LoveReach 20 hearts with Shang Cosmic LoveReach 20 hearts with Lucius Sizzlin' SummerReach the summer season Falling DownReach the fall season Tis' the SeasonReach the winter season A New YearReach year 2 Candy Crushed IDefeat the level 20 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena Candy Crushed IIDefeat the level 30 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena Candy Crushed IIIDefeat the level 40 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena Candy Crushed IVDefeat the level 50 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena Lumberjacked IDefeat the level 20 Tree Guardian in the Boss Arena Lumberjacked IIDefeat the level 30 Tree Guardian in the Boss Arena Lumberjacked IIIDefeat the level 40 Tree Guardian in the Boss Arena Lumberjacked IVDefeat the level 50 Tree Guardian in the Boss Arena Snake Slayer IDefeat the level 20 Tyrantviper in the Boss Arena Snake Slayer IIDefeat the level 30 Tyrantviper in the Boss Arena Snake Slayer IIIDefeat the level 40 Tyrantviper in the Boss Arena Snake Slayer IVDefeat the level 50 Tyrantviper in the Boss Arena Update Patch 1.4 481 80 8 0.0039428 (7%) To Woo a HeroReach 10 hearts with Karish Heroic LoveReach 20 hearts with Karish To Woo a CorsairReach 10 hearts with Zaria Bucket of LoveReach 20 hearts with Zaria The DeepsUnlock the Brinestone Deeps Defeat Qwiz'lothraDefeat Qwiz'lothra and save Brinestone Deeps Slime SquisherFree Brinestone Deeps of the mindcontrolling slimes Spell BoosterPurchase a staff from the Brinestone staff shop Update Patch 1.5 125 40 4 0.00390106 (27%) Teleport: Sun HavenObtain the Sun Haven Teleport Spell Teleport: Nel'VariObtain the Nel'Vari Teleport Spell Teleport: WithergateObtain the Withergate Teleport Spell Teleport: Brinestone DeepsObtain the Brinestone Deeps Teleport Spell