Here is the full list of all 38 Stick Slasher achievements.
Get a Mercy score with Sword Mage
Kill total of 500 enemies
Get total of 50 Head Slashes
Get total of 50 Mercy Scores
Get 10 Mercy Scores in a Single Game
Get 10 Head Slashes in a Single Game
Get 20 Kills in a Singe Game
Get 20 Mercy Kills in a Single Game
Get 30 Head Slash Kills in a Single Game
Kill 50 enemies in a Single Game
Get 25 Kills with Giant Sword without using WASD
Reach 10,000 Points with Shield Master without using WASD
Get 35 Kills without using WASD in a Single Game
Get your first kill
Achieve at least 100 kills with each weapon
Block 500 attacks
Survive for more than 5 minutes in a single game
Achieve 50 head slashes and 50 mercy scores in a single game
Achieve 200 kills, 100 head slashes, and 50 mercies in Classic mode
Achieve 150 kills and 75 head slashes in Shield Master mode
Achieve 200 kills, 100 head slashes, and 50 mercies in Giant Sword mode
Achieve 150 kills, 75 head slashes, and 50 mercies in Sword Mage mode
Achieve 200 kills and 100 head slashes in Dual Swords mode
Achieve 150 kills, 75 head slashes, and 50 mercies in Swordman mode
Achieve 200 kills and 100 head slashes in Spinning Sword mode
Kill 100 enemies with reflected swords.
Achieve a total of 500 mercy scores across all modes
Achieve a total of 1000 head slashes across all modes
Achieve a total of 5000 kills across all modes
Achieve a high score of 20,000 or more
Achieve a high score of 10,000 or more
Achieve 50 kills in each weapon
Achieve 200 kills and 100 head shots with Gunner
Get 10 Head Shots in a Single Game with Gunner
Achieve 200 kills and 100 head shots with Sniper
Get 10 Head Shots in a Single Game with Sniper
Get 10 kills with Sniper without using WASD
Get 20 kills with Gunner without using WASD