Steredenn Achievements Here is the full list of all 37 Steredenn achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Popcorn PartyKill 500 fighters. Popcorn ContestKill 2500 fighters. Hide adsPopcorn Black holeKill 10000 fighters. Dark Matter MachineKill 50 enemies. Dark Matter FactoryKill 250 enemies. Dark Matter IndustryKill 1000 enemies. GunsmithDestroy 100 cargos. I SEE SPYKill a spy with the flamethrower. One Small StepDestroy a Bomber boss. Giant LeapDestroy a Frigate boss. LASER!$Destroy a Destroyer boss. A bit closer to HeavenDestroy a Cruiser boss. They're everywhereDestroy a Carrier boss. The Bullets before the StormDestroy a Battleship boss. Kiss Of DeathMeet the Mothership. The Beginning and The End.Destroy the Mothership. RebelDestroy the Nemesis. Space CadetPick 15 differents weapons. Deep Space CaptainPick all weapons at least once. Infinite BatteryPick all Energy weapons. BulletmakerPick all Bullets weapons. Bay ManPick all Heavy weapons. Squad leaderPick all Bots weapons. Solar KnightPick all Melee weapons. NavigatorFinish the game once. SingularityFinish the first loop. Gladiator of the UniverseDefeat all the bosses in the Arena at least once. SupernovaDies 50 times. Steredenn Space ProgramTry all upgrades. ULTRAWARRIORBeat the game using the Blaster only. Attracted to YouDestroy the Alien ship. Ticket to the Great AdventureDestroy the Old Friend. Space DumpsterDestroy the Garbage Collector. 1 guideDaddy's Not HappyDestroy the Astroworm. Ace of AcesBeat the Red Baron SUPERCHABALDestroy the Super Chabal. Rush hourComplete a boss rush.