Startup Company Achievements Here is the full list of all 29 Startup Company achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 29 Offline Mode 29 Single Player 11 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (7) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Enjoy Your StayHired 1 employee InterviewerHire 5 employees Employment MachineHire 10 employees You're OutFire 1 employee You AswellFire 5 employees AddictedPlay for more than 1000 in-game days Into BlackHave a monthly profit of at least $0 Sell OutOwn less than 10% of your own product The ZuckBecome #1 Social Media product The OverclockerProduce 1 million CU with all servers at 200% FireworksFire 10 employees A Small Loan of a Million DollarsTake out 1 loan SupportResolve 1000 support tickets ResearcherResearch everything The CollectorReach an inventory of more than 100,000 of the same component/module Not So CreativeChoose a not so creative website name 1 guideBankruptGo bankrupt Super SpeedHave an employee reaching a base speed of 480% World DominationBecame Top #1 of all website types in one game Small But EfficientReach 1,000,000 users while still in the smallest office building Fast SupportReach an average response time lower than 2 hours with more than 500 tickets The Average WorkerSecure a retirement fund of more than $500,000 Upper Middle ClassSecure a retirement fund of more than $1,000,000 Biggy ShotSecure a retirement fund of more than $45,000,000 Mister Biggy Biggy ShotSecure a retirement fund of more than $200,000,000 Mister World WideSecure a retirement fund of more than $3,500,000,000 The Sun Is The FutureInvest 100% of Space-based Solar Power The WaveInvest 100% of Tidal Power Plant Dangerous FutureInvest 100% of Fusion Power Plant