Sproggiwood Achievements Here is the full list of all 19 Sproggiwood achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Silence the Easy OppositionDefeat Big Ick on Easy. Silence the Opposition.Defeat Big Ick on Normal. Civilizer-in-ChiefDefeat Surma on Easy. Civilizer-in-ChiefestDefeat Surma on Normal. High FiverKill 5 enemies in one turn. Weapon of Mass DestructionKill 10 enemies in one turn. Quasi-PacifistBeat a dungeon without killing any enemies besides the boss. Mirror, MirrorKill a bizarro cloghead. Et tu, Cloghead?Kill a monster that loves you. Savage Jelly PartyBeat Ickykolo on Savage with every class. Heavy Metal GoatfolkBeat Goaturku on Savage with every class. Savage Mushroom TripBeat Big Tree on Savage with every class. The Wonder Years with Frog SavageBeat the Bloated Grotto on Savage with every class. More Like Mr. WeepyBeat Hakkipunki on Savage with every class. Savage Vampire LoveBeat Ignis Caverna on Savage with every class. Sapius Wasn't Wise EnoughBeat Ensi on Savage with every class. Another Dimension of SavageryBeat the Floating Isles on Savage with every class. Savagery is the New WisdomBeat Uppmas Point on Savage with every class. You Civilized the !@#$ out of Everything!Beat the game on Savage with every class.