Songs of Silence Achievements

Here is the full list of all 16 Songs of Silence achievements.

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  • A New Home

    Finish campaign map 3 "Songs of the Blue Vale"

  • End of an Era

    Finish campaign map 4 "Dark Tidings"

  • Keep 'em Safe

    Finish campaign map 1 "The Siege of Elbin" with all "Ehrengard Refugee" units still alive

  • The Adventure Begins

    Complete Pip's quest on campaign map 1 "The Siege of Elbin"

  • Royal Audience

    Speak with King Atran after saving him on campaign map 1 "The Siege of Elbin"

  • Time is Running

    Finish the adventure of "Balmung Forest" in campaign map 2 "Into the Silence"

  • A Ray of Hope

    Rest at the statue of Saint Idha

  • Settlers of the Vale

    Escort all "Ehrengard Refugee" units safely to New Ehrengard

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