Sol Survivor Achievements Here is the full list of all 26 Sol Survivor achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Sole SurvivorBeat a level with one colonist left. Last Second KillKill an enemy in the last second before it enters the colony. Size Makes a DifferenceBuild 20 level three turrets. Kitchen SinkApply fire, EMP, radiation, slow goo, and gas to one enemy. OverloadedApply speed, crit, and range buffs to one turret. LiquidationSell 1000 mass of turrets in a single game. Assembly LineBuild 100 of one kind of level 1 turret. Equal Opportunity ConstructorBuild and fully upgrade every turret. Orbital BombardmentUse every orbital support. ParagonBeat the campaign. Slade's LegionAchieve victory on at least one campaign level with each officer. Single HandedAchieve victory on all campaign levels with one officer. Veni vidi viciBeat all levels on intense. One Man ArmyComplete a four player Coop level alone. No 'I' in 'Team'Complete a Coop level with at least 3 people. Photo FinishBeat someone by one life. MultitaskerWin a game of Wars. Fleet OfficerHost 10 complete games of Sol Survivor multiplayer. Waste No TimeWin a Wars game before first escalation. UnderdogBeat a player who has a more advanced escalation turret. Unleash the HordeSend 30 creeps in under 10 seconds in Wars. ConquerorComplete all level badges. CommanderComplete all officer badges. StrategistComplete all turret badges. TacticianComplete all support badges. EliminatorComplete all creep badges.