Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 48 Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 achievements. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Enemy of my Enemy

    Complete Second Act

  • The Castling

    Complete Third Act

  • Endgame

    Complete Fourth Act

  • Bounty Hunter

    Neutralize 25% the Most Wanted list in one playthrough

  • Deputy

    Neutralize 50% targets from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough

  • Sheriff

    Neutralize 75% targets from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough

  • Marshall

    Neutralize 100% from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough

  • Local Hero: Dam

    Complete all Side-Ops on Dam in one playthrough