Size Matters Achievements Full list of all 57 Size Matters achievements. It takes around 0-1 hour to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 6 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 51 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 56 Offline Mode 56 Single Player 1 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 7 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (2) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Thank you! <3A thanks from developer for playing Size Matters! Aspiring Chemist!Use Chemical Processor successfully for the first time ever! You stink!Take a shower! 1 guideUhmm, okay?You mixed the wrong ingredients, luckily nothing blew up! Whoa, that was close!You saved yourself in the last minute! 1 guideKill the Big Brother!(x_x) 1 guide Update Update 1.0.7 214 120 12 1.50585134 (23%)0-1h Gravity... It always seems to let us downComplete a round on "Low Gravity" mode! Tiny Chemist!Complete a round on "Tiny" mode Ingredient hunter!Find all ingredients in 30 seconds or faster! That's so sweet!Consume one cupcake! 1 guideSpooky Scary SkeletonsCheck out the HUMAN SKELETON! 1 guideNot giving up on mistakes!Win the round when you have reverted 5 or more ingredients! 1 guideOpen the door!Open drawers and cabinets more than 100 times! Chemical Processor Expert!Use Chemical Processor for more than 10 minutes! Chemical Reverter Expert!Use Chemical Reverter for more than 10 minutes! Code Combiner Expert!Use Code Combiner for more than 10 minutes! Microwave Expert!Use Microwave for more than 10 minutes! 1 guideRestorer Expert!Use Restorer for more than 10 minutes! Update Update 1.1.0 471 250 25 1.50635135 (21%)0-1h Pickups Laboratory 1!Find all pickups in Laboratory 1! 1 guidePickups Laboratory 2!Find all pickups in Laboratory 2! 1 guidePickups Laboratory 3!Find all pickups in Laboratory 3! 1 guidePickups Laboratory 4Find all pickups in Laboratory 4! 1 guidePickups Pro!Find ALL pickups in ALL laboratories! Breaker of Plates and Mugs!Break all plates and mugs in the Kitchen! Find Love!Find love in the kitchen! 1 guideWhoops...Shrink until you're too small! True WinnerWin 10 or more rounds! Pickups Laboratory 5!Find all pickups in Laboratory 5! 1 guidePickups Laboratory 6!Find all pickups in Laboratory 6! 1 guideYou airplane nowSpend more than 5 seconds in air without touching ground Croissant!Enlarge 3 or more objects in a single round! No Object - No ProblemWin a round without picking up any object other than ingredients True ExpertWin at least one round on all available laboratories! Professional Drawer OpenerOpen drawers and cabinets more than 1000 times! So many choices!Spend more than 1 minute in the play menu! Spring Cleaning!Empty out the fridge! The RestorerSuccessfully use the Restorer! Uhhh... what are you looking for?Open the same drawer 10 times! I AM SPEEDWin a round in under 7 minutes! Alien EncountersFind an alien creature! 1 guide****Enter a correct code into the Code Combiner! KlutzMaybe try being a bit more careful? :( Snooping around?Open all drawers in the laboratory at least once! Update Update 1.1.3 102 60 6 1.50565138 (24%)0-1h Must. Not. Jump.Finish the level without jumping! Is the floor dirty?Finish the level without formulas and ingredients touching the floor! Do you even shrink?Finish the level with 1.5 meters height left or more! PLASTIC GREEN BINGet inside the green plastic bin! Not Good For Your HealthGet hit by ~microwaves~! The Lab Equipment Needs An Upgrade!Finish the level with all "Processing Time" sliders to the max! Update Update 1.0.6 124 80 8 1.50569142 (25%)0-1h Beginner ChemistComplete a round on normal difficulty Proficient ChemistComplete a round on hard difficulty! Professional ChemistComplete a round on crazy difficulty! I Thirst!Have 20 concurrent water flasks! Baby ChemistComplete a round on beginner difficulty! Baby Steps! I don't need that!Save yourself without having to use the Reverter! So fast! WhoaWhen breakable flasks are enabled, break at least one at very high speed! Cracked Television!Destroy the TV in Laboratory 3!