Six Days in Fallujah Achievements Here is the full list of all 34 Six Days in Fallujah achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Band of BrothersComplete a fireteam mission with a full fireteam of players from your Friends List. Six in SixPlay Six Days for six hours. Heal a TeammateInteract with a downed teammate to prevent bleeding out and bring them back into the battle. Completed Basic TrainingCongratulations! You earned your first stripe! AssistComplete a fireteam mission playing the ASSIST role, who specializes in CQB FireComplete a fireteam mission playing the FIRE role, who uses the M249 SAW and specializes in suppression ReadyComplete a fireteam mission playing the READY role, who specializes as the fireteam's scout Proven LeaderSuccessfully complete a 4 player fireteam mission as Team Lead with minimal loss Apartment ExpertComplete a FUBAR Apartment Building Mission with Hard AI difficulty. Jolan Park ExpertComplete a FUBAR Jolan Public Park Mission with Hard AI difficulty. Own the NightComplete a mission during the "Flare" Time of Day. Phase Line Henry ExpertComplete a FUBAR Phase Line Henry Mission with Hard AI difficulty. Ride Out the StormComplete a mission during a Sandstorm. Slow is Smooth, Smooth is FastComplete a FUBAR mission on Hard AI difficulty, with no deaths. Train Station ExpertComplete a FUBAR Northern Train Station Mission with Hard AI difficulty. Train Station VeteranComplete a Northern Train Station mission with Hard AI difficulty. Apartment VeteranComplete an Apartment Building mission with Hard AI difficulty. Phase Line Henry VeteranComplete a Phase Line Henry mission with Hard AI difficulty. Jolan Square VeteranComplete a Jolan Public Square mission with Hard AI difficulty. Amusement Park VeteranComplete a Jolan Amusement Park mission with Hard AI difficulty. Objective Virginia VeteranComplete an Objective Virginia mission with Hard AI difficulty. West Manor VeteranComplete a West Manor mission with Hard AI difficulty. HLZ Wolf VeteranComplete an HLZ Wolf mission with Hard AI difficulty. Vigilant Resolve VeteranComplete the Vigilant Resolve Campaign Mission. Operation al-Fajr VeteranComplete the Operation al-Fajr Campaign Mission. Train Station TacticianComplete Northern Train Station single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Apartment TacticianComplete Apartment Building single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Phase Line Henry TacticianComplete Phase Line Henry single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Jolan Square TacticianComplete Jolan Public Square single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Amusement Park TacticianComplete Jolan Amusement Park single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Objective Virginia TacticianComplete Objective Virginia single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. West Manor TacticianComplete West Manor single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. HLZ Wolf TacticianComplete HLZ Wolf single-player, playing with an AI fireteam. Firewatch MedalComplete training.