Game action
Shell Corp

Shell Corp Achievements

Here is the full list of all 30 Shell Corp achievements.

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  • Touchy Tim

    Find and use all interactable objects.

  • Hatch Trick

    Score 3 goals in a game of Hatch Trick.

  • Egg on your face

    Score an own goal in Hatch Trick, and win the game.

  • Cracking!

    Crack 50 enemy eggs across all game modes.

  • Eggshellent

    Win Shell Smash Squad with a full lobby and no losses on your team.

  • Eager Egg

    Play 25 games across all modes

  • Eggstra Credit

    Play any one game mode 10 times

  • Perfeggt

    Win Hold the Fork with the opposing team gaining 0 points.

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