Serious Sam 4 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 54 Serious Sam 4 achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Oh, Shut Up

    Destroy 10 propaganda drones.

  • Bullseye

    One-shot kill 3 Werebulls with a shotgun.

  • Tear 'n' Rip

    Melee a big enemy.

  • Max Pain

    Kill 5 enemies during a single Time Warp slowdown.

  • Atomic Wedgie

    Use the mininuke to eliminate 100 enemies at once.

  • Heads Up!

    Kill 100 enemies with a headshot.

  • Pow Pow!

    Kill an Aludran Reptiloid using nothing but a pistol.

  • Megabarf

    Kill a Belcher using Belcher collateral barf damage.