Serious Sam 3: BFE Achievements Full list of all 62 Serious Sam 3: BFE achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 61 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 1 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Serious BeginnerComplete any level in single player. Serious SamComplete the single player campaign. Are You Serious!?Complete the game in single player on unmodified serious difficulty. Serious RunComplete the game in single player in half the estimated time on each level. OphthalmologistRemove 10 Gnaar eyes. Cardiac SurgeonRip out 10 Rocketeer hearts. ChiropractorBreak 10 Soldier necks. Kleer WrestlerTear off 10 Kleer heads. Bug HuntSquash 10 Hatchling spiders. ArachnophobiaRip 10 Juvenile spiders apart. Scorpion SlayerBreak 5 Arachnoid necks. Load of ScrapRip Scrapjack's head off. Trick ShotKill the kicked enemy while it is still in the air. Useful TrophyKill an enemy with a gib torn from another enemy. BerserkerKill 3 enemies in one sprint with the Sledgehammer. Old SchoolComplete the game in single player without manually reloading, aiming or sprinting. Chain ExplosionKill at least 5 headless kamikazes in one explosion. Kung-fu FighterPerform all possible finishing moves in the game. Wall of BulletsKill 20 enemies with the Minigun without releasing the trigger. Apprentice EgyptologistDecipher an Egyptian text. Master EgyptologistDecipher all Egyptian texts. Wanted Dead or AliveRescue professor Stein. So to say. Get the hell off my ride!Secure the bird. All Your Base Are Belong To Us! Problem solverSolve the riddle of the Sphynx. Painful DivorceKill a Witch-Bride of Achriman. Mission completedPower up the Timelock. Detroit Steel The doorman should wear a suitAwake the Guardian of Time. Rodeo SurferUse the Mutilator to surf after a Werebull. SkewerPierce 5 enemies with one Devastator round. Up Close and PersonalGib 20 enemies from close range with a shotgun. Killer JewelryKill an enemy using the Mutilator. HeadsmanDecapitate a Khnum. Bone CrusherSmash 20 Kleers with the Sledgehammer. Circle of deathKill at least 3 enemies in one spinning Sledgehammer attack. Clay PigeonsKill 5 Cave Demons while they're in air. Maintenance timeBlow a Major Biomechanoid into pieces. Look, it's a secretFind at least 50 secrets in single player. Top SecretFind all secrets in single player. Classic OutfitFind Sam's classic outfit Queen HatshepsutComplete The Guardian of Time in single player on serious difficulty without dying or loading. VistaFind the Vista secret. Co-op BeginnerComplete any level in cooperative with at least 2 players. Co-op MasterComplete the campaign in cooperative with at least 2 players. Coin-op Co-opComplete a Coin-op cooperative game on normal or higher difficulty. Life SaverPick up at least 10 extra life items. Gold RushPick up 100 gold coins. Deathmatch BeginnerComplete a deathmatch game with at least 1 frag. Deathmatch MasterWin 10 deathmatch games. Look Ma, I won!Win a versus match. Hammer TimeFrag 20 players with the Sledgehammer. Beast HunterComplete a Beast Hunt match Flag ThiefScore a total of 10 points in CTF matches. Instant KillerMake at least 3 kills in one Instant Kill match. Last Man StandingWin one round in Last Man Standing game with at least 4 players. Heavy Weight ChampionWin one My Burden match with at least 3 players. SurvivorEarn a medal in Survival. Golden SurvivorEarn a gold medal in Survival. Christmas In CairoDecorate the Christmas tree. Reindeer HunterDecorate the Christmas tree on each level to unlock Rodolfo player model. Add-on Jewel of the Nile 19 10 1 3.50516517 (100%)1-2h Jewel of the NileComplete the Jewel of The Nile single player campaign.