Scythe: Digital Edition Achievements Full list of all 56 Scythe: Digital Edition achievements.The base game contains 54 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Winner Takes It AllWin a game. The Four MechmenDeploy all mechs. Real Estate MagnateBuild all structures. Well-Oiled MachineAcquire all upgrades. In the Army NowEnlist all recruits. To the Victor Go the SpoilsWin 2 battles. The ChallengerComplete the objective. ProletariatGet all workers. The Power of LoveGet 18 popularity. Armed to the TeethGet 16 power. Is This the Real Life...?Win a match while your opponent has 6 stars. Rags to RichesWin with total $100 score or more. Better Feared than LovedWin with 6 or less popularity. WarmongerWin the game and have won more than 2 combats. LudditeWin without any upgrades. One-Man ArmyWin without any mechs. Rome Wasn't Built in a DayWin without any structures. Army of MeWin without any recruits. This Land Is My LandAt the end of the game, have the most tiles under your control. UdarnikAt the end of the game, have the most resources under your control. Successful DeveloperGet the highest tier from the structures bonus. Speed DemonBe the first person in the Factory. Seize the Means of ProductionControl the Factory at the end of the game. The Art of WarWin a battle with 0 power. The Art of TrollingBuild a mine near the enemy base. AdventurerCollect 5 or more encounters during the game. KeelhauledWin a battle on a lake. Execute Order 66Defeat an enemy hero. UbergeekWin a battle on the Factory field. Rule PolaniaWin a game with the Polania Republic Highland AdvantageWin a game with Clan Albion The North RemembersWin a game with the Nordic Kingdom All Power to the RusvietsWin a game with the Rusviet Union Ganbare Togawa!Win a game with the Togawa Shogunate Where Eagles DareWin a game with the Crimean Khanate Hold My Tankard and Watch ThisWin a game with the Saxony Empire League of NationsWin a game with each of the seven factions Hero of Heavy LabourWin a game with the Industrial Mat Mind over MachineWin a game with the Engineering Mat A Bit of Coloured RibbonWin a game with the Patriotic Mat Mechs in Shining ArmourWin a game with the Mechanical Mat Bread and SaltWin a game with the Agricultural Mat Smear CampaignWin a game with the Militant Mat Technological ImperativeWin a game with the Innovative Mat Tools of the TradeWin a game with each of the seven mats Monkey HaggisAs Clan Albion, beat units of the Togawa Shogunate in battle Boar KatsudonAs the Togawa Shogunate, beat units of Clan Albion in battle Fifteen-Year PlanWin a game in 15 turns or less 1 guideIron HandWin a game after winning 5 battles or more Velvet GloveWin a game without initiating a single battle Full-Scale InvasionWin a game while controlling 13 territories or more Iron CurtainWin a game while controlling all 3 land territories adjacent to the Factory Smells Like... VictoryWin an online game Well-Deserved PromotionReach an ELO rating of 1250 or more 1 guide Update Title Update 77 20 2 0.0026916 (6%) Welcome to ScytheComplete any tutorial Teleporting back to homebaseComplete all achievements