Screencheat Achievements Here is the full list of all 34 Screencheat achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Offline Mode 33 Online/Offline 33 Single Player 3 Stackable 3 Level 31 Versus 2 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply I am the Lizard KingKill 5 Opponents from on top of the dinosaur in the Museum Truly MLGStay in one place in the Garden for 1 minute Sky CaptainKill 1 opponent from each coloured area in Helix Lord of the ManorKill an Opponent inside a vent on the Manor Thrill SeekerSpend 10 seconds off the ground without dying on Holy Mountain Life of the partyPlay 20 rounds in a row in Party Mode One Shot X KillsGet a multi-kill in One Shot Master SleuthWin a round of Murder Mystery without being killed Can't have thatKill someone in the hill when they have 1 second to win You'll have a ballGet a quad kill or more with a single Chefolet ball Speed DemonSpend over 75% of a round charging with the Hobby Horse This is my Raifu, this is my GunGet 4 kills without reloading the Revolver Rifle Flanking ManeuverKill 3 opponents from behind with the Candelabra BombardmentFire 50 grenades in Hill Campers and win 2 OP RIOT PLZ NERFPlay a perfect round of deathmatch with the Blunderbuss Expert FishermanHarpoon 2 players in one shot with the Trappeur Not Bearied Yet!Get a multi-kill from beyond the grave with the Bearbomb ShaftedGet a mutli-kill with a projectile weapon through a vent Danger CloseGet a quad-kill including yourself The Spice Must FlowGet 1 kill with each weapon in a round The Real ExperiencePlay 5 games with 4 local players Surfin' the USSRKill 5 players from the moving platforms on Steeple Saltans BaneGet 3 kills whilst bouncing on the floating cushions. 1 guideLighting ClimbWin a round on Ascension in less than 30 seconds with the default mode settings Grim ReturnGet a double kill with a returning Sörgeån Just Getting StartedReach level 5 Amateur CheaterReach level 25 Journeyman CheaterReach level 50 I see youKill an opponent through multiple objects with the wall_Hacker Motion SicknessKill an opponent inside the center tunnel on Loop PatienceWin a round without ever missing a shot on Temple Bronze AgeGet a Bronze medal or higher on all training missions. Silver CenturyGet a Silver medal or higher on all training missions. Gold ClassGet a Gold medal on all training missions.