Sanctum 2 Achievements Full list of all 50 Sanctum 2 achievements.The base game contains 26 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 24 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 1 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 46 Online/Offline 48 Single Player 50 Cooperative 6 Main Storyline 2 Cumulative + 4 Cumulative - 8 Level 1 Viral Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Humble BeginningsComplete your first map. The Bas(e)icsBuild 20 tower bases. The Best Defense is OffenseUpgrade a tower to the max. Growing StrongerComplete a map with a Feat of Strength enabled. Halfway AwesomeReach Rank 10. Hope Rides AloneComplete Facility, Rocky Fields, Giant Trees and Swamp. Full-time Ass-kickerReach rank 20. HerculesComplete a map with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Total BadassComplete Facility, Rocky Fields, Giant Trees and Swamp with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Final DestinationComplete The End in a party of four. Team PlayerComplete one level with 5 Feats of Strength enabled in Co-op. Game in a gameComplete a game in a game. Six PackComplete six Game in a Games Coffee StainedThis is a viral achievement. McBirger'sComplete Facility with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. BalboaComplete Rocky Fields with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Norwegian WoodComplete Giant Trees with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. MoistComplete Swamp with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Mr. PerfectComplete all waves on a map without losing any core life. One shot, one kill.Get a kill with every shot in the sniper clip. Come at me bro!Kill 10 enemies in a row without getting hit. Honey Badger don't careRecover from 1 HP three times without dying. Gibbs, gibbs everywhereBlow up three enemies at the same time Lab RatFind the secret area on Bio Lab. Loekrise KingdomFind the secret area on Outpost. Dark SecretsFind the secret area on Abandoned Lab. Add-on The Last Stand 275 100 10 4.50361131 (36%) Freedom!Reach rank 40. The Last StandComplete Arc Islands. LOOK MOM, IM FLYINGFinish a map playing Sweet with Rymdskor, Plumber shoes, and Upper Class. Sniper SkyeFinish a map playing Skye with Tactical Juxtaposition, Marksman, and Steady Aim. ROBOTS, ROBOTS EVERYWHEREFinish a map playing SiMo with the G2 Companion, Roboticist and Electrical Outburst. Street JusticeFinish a map playing Haigen with Spiked Armor, Desperate Measures and Hydra Blood. Angry working classFinish a map playing Haigen with Best Friends Forever, Reinforcements and Roboticist. Legolaser aimed shotsFinish a map playing TSYGAN with Marksman, Steady Aim and Long Range Superiority. Leaving Loek IIIComplete Arc Islands with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Better late than neverReach rank 50. Add-on The Pursuit 105 40 4 4.50405146 (36%) Titan SlayerReach rank 35. BOOM! HeadshotComplete Outskirts with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Clean KillComplete Outskirts. Not the Bees!Have 10 Drones from the Drone Launcher over an enemy. Add-on Ruins of Brightholme 165 60 6 4.50443139 (31%) Above and BeyondReach rank 30. We don't go to BrightholmeComplete Brightholme with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. Slumdog MedicineComplete Brightholme. Heavy ArtilleryFinish a map playing Sweet with the Long Range Specialisation, Core Guardian, and Long Range Superiority. I am SUPER ANGRYFinish a map playing Skye with Collateral Damage, Bloodletter and Adrenaline Rush. Swedish police can't track this oneFinish a map playing TSYGAN with Rymdskor, Trickster and Parthian Tactics. Add-on Road to Elysion 109 40 4 4.50566141 (25%) PliskeblaskeComplete Coastline with 5 Feats of Strength enabled. FiskeplaskeComplete Coastline. TitanReach rank 25. MLG noscope maximum skillFinish a map playing SiMo with Tactical Juxtaposition, Rymdskor and Trickster.