Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Achievements Here is the full list of all 76 Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Real Ultimate PowerGet 100 ninja hits On FireGet a 5 KO streak RedonkulousGet an 8 KO streak BurninationKO 100 opponents while On Fire ExtinguisherKO 25 opponents that are On Fire There Can Be Only OneKO an On Fire player while you are On Fire Oven MittsCatch a ball thrown by an On Fire enemy Dunk TankKO an On Fire enemy with a Dunk Make It RainKO an On Fire enemy with a Helicopter Long Distance DouseKO an On Fire enemy with a Long Distance shot Ah, NutsKO an On Fire enemy with a Flying Squirrel This Squirrel Is On FireBecome On Fire with a Flying Squirrel KO Death From AboveGet 250 Dunk KOs SniperGet 250 Long Distance KOs Super BuzzkillKO the Super Ball carrier 250 times D-FenceKO the Hoops Ball carrier 250 times Catch Me If You CanBe the Team Grand Prix Race winning player 10 times Not So FastKO the Grand Prix Race leader 25 times Horde Solo 1KScore 1000 points in Horde Mode (solo) Horde Solo 5KScore 5000 points in Horde Mode (solo) GodlikePerform a Godlike KO Beast ModeBe the last team member alive in Elimination match vs 4+ live enemies and win Horde VeteranKO 1000 bots in Horde Mode Deathmatch CloserGet the winning KO in Team Deathmatch 10 times Score Battle CloserGet the winning KO in Team Score Battle 10 times Elimination CloserGet the winning KO in Team Elimination 10 times Clutch ShotGet the winning score in Team Hoops 10 times Super Ball CloserGet the winning score in Team Super Ball 10 times Ultimate SacrificeGet the winning score (any mode) after being KO'd Helicopter FinishWin a match with a Helicopter KO Godlike FinishWin a match with a Godlike KO Golden GloveCatch 250 enemy dodgeballs Multi MultiGet 100 Multi-KOs Super SaverKO the Super Ball carrier with 3 or fewer seconds left, then win match OverkillKO a player, then catch the ball they threw BirdCubedPerform three Duck Hunt KOs in a single life Danger ZonePerform three Top Gun KOs in a single life Anti-AirCatch a helicopter shot Air BallCatch an enemy ball that has been mid-air >= 4 seconds Extreme DistanceKO an enemy with a ball thrown 75 meters or more Cube CapturerCapture the enemy cube 100 times Cube DefenderReturn your team's cube 25 times Chariots on FireBecome On Fire while you are the Grand Prix race leader FFA Deathmatch VictorWin 10 matches of FFA Deathmatch FFA Score Battle VictorWin 10 matches of FFA Score Battle FFA Hoops VictorWin 5 matches of FFA Hoops FFA Super Ball VictorWin 5 matches of FFA Super Ball FFA Elimination VictorWin 5 matches of FFA Elimination FFA Grand Prix VictorWin 5 matches of FFA Grand Prix Cube Capture VictorWin 10 matches of Team Capture The Cube Hoops MVPScore the most hoops and most KOs in a round of Team Hoops Around The WorldScore one of every special KO type Combo KingScore 50 Combo KOs Hoop AssistsGet 10 Hoop Score Assists KO AssistsGet 25 KO Assists Stayin' AliveBe alive at the end of a Team Elimination match 25 times RampageKO three enemies in 10 seconds Victory DeniedCatch what would have been the winning Deathmatch KO Bank ShotScore 10 ricochet hoops Team Deathmatch VictorWin 25 matches of Team Deathmatch Team Score Battle VictorWin 25 matches of Team Score Battle Team Elimination VictorWin 25 matches of Team Elimination Team Hoops VictorWin 10 matches of Team Hoops Team Super Ball VictorWin 10 matches of Team Super Ball Team Grand Prix VictorWin 10 matches of Team Grand Prix President of the GalaxyBeat Arcade mode Badge Rank 1Achieve Rank 1 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 2Achieve Rank 2 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 3Achieve Rank 3 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 4Achieve Rank 4 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 5Achieve Rank 5 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 6Achieve Rank 6 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 7Achieve Rank 7 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 8Achieve Rank 8 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 9Achieve Rank 9 in your Mission Badge Badge Rank 10Achieve Rank 10 in your Mission Badge