Razenroth Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 Razenroth achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Mud MonsterKill Mud Monster Wind TitanKill Wind Titan FlameclawKill Flameclaw Ro'gnarKill Ro'gnar Goblin SapperKill Goblin Sapper Swamp ThingKill Swamp Thing ShamanKill Shaman Evil TreeKill Evil Tree Complete the gameComplete the game on any difficulty ToughmanComplete the game on hard difficulty level Hell on earthComplete the game on hell difficulty level WarriorKill 100 monsters BarbarianKill 500 monsters BerserkerKill 1000 monsters BraveKill 5 mini bosses InvincibleKill 20 mini bosses HandymanBuy new thing for the hut Manor houseBuy all available things for the hut Drunken MasterDrink 50 potions AdventurerComplete 5 quests PhoenixFind Phoenix altar OrchardmanFind magic apple CustomerBuy 1 item SkeletorUnlock Skeletor Fire elementalUnlock Fire elemental GrandpaUnlock grandpa GolemUnlock golem TreantUnlock Treant HooliganDestroy 50 environment elements DestructorDestroy 100 environment elements Lord of DestructionDestroy 500 environment elements CollectorCollect 200 pieces of gold MagnateCollect 500 pieces of gold MoneygrabberCollect 1000 pieces of gold Locksmith - level 1Open 5 chests Locksmith - level 2Open 15 chests Locksmith - level 3Open 30 chests CustomerBuy 20 items ShopaholicBuy 50 items Meat MonsterKill Meat Monster GruuKill Gruu Killer PlantKill Killer Plant SpectreKill Spectre