Ratropolis Achievements Full list of all 46 Ratropolis achievements.The base game contains 37 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 9 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply WandererYour first defeat Trading CityAchieve victory as the Merchant Leader Military CityAchieve victory as the General Leader MetropolisAchieve victory as the Builder Leader Science CityAchieve victory as the Scientist Leader Fair And SquareAchieve Victory without using the distant unit Card MillionaireHolds more than 99999 Gold Great LeaderAcquire more than 10 Advisers in one game SlayersAcquire the advisers "Ironclad", "Silent", and "Defector" in one game Rats Rats RatsHave more than 100 Ratizens Hard WorkerUse your Leader Ability more than 10 times in one game LazybonesAchieve victory without using your Leader Ability GeneralPlay 1 game BuilderSurvive 10th Wave ScientistSurvive 20th Wave Let's Keep ItSee the [Rules of Rats] Event Life of BureaucratSee the [A New Role] Event Old Rat's WisdomSee the [Council of Oligarchs] Event Game of ThronesSee the [Coronation] Event Follow MeSee the [All Hail!] Event Time to PraySee the [Be Faithful] Event Strongest RatUse the Royal Guard Card Quack-QuackUse the Duck Card Give Me AllPurchase every card sold by Merchant Shiny Chest!Intentionally disregard 5 Treasure Chests in a game. MafiaKill one unit that carries 999 Bounty. I'm in ChargeAchieve victory without an adviser Under the ShadeAchieve victory with only 4 or less Defensive Walls. CalculatorAchieve victory with maintaining your Gold under 1,000. ScroogeAchieve victory without spending any Golds for Redraw. NightmareSurvive 60th Wave HellSurvive 90th Wave TormentSurvive 120th Wave ShamanPlay 10 game Religious CityAchieve victory as the Shaman Leader NavigatorAchieve 5 achievements Harbor CityAchieve victory as the Navigator Leader Update Update 1.0.7303 394 90 9 0.001139 (8%) World's EndExpand to the maximum extent possible OopsBeat the final boss before he attacks Level UpReach Leader Level 10 in a game Why did you do that?Win the game without upgrading any cards MadnessWin the game in under 22 minutes WastelandComplete Pollution Level 10 PlaguelandsComplete Pollution Level 20 The Rat GodWin with every Leader in every Region GloryObtain all other Achievements