Here is the full list of all 26 ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS 8 REMAKE achievements.

  • Beloved

    Awarded for successfully courting someone after starting the game.

  • Sworn Sibling

    Awarded for forming a sworn sibling bond with someone after starting the game.

  • Destined Companion

    Awarded for discovering a destiny with someone after starting the game.

  • Bond-Forger

    Awarded for forming a link during combat.

  • Hand-Shaker

    Awarded for forming a link during domestic activities.

  • Victor

    Awarded for participating in a battle and emerging victorious.

  • Duelist

    Awarded for participating in a duel and emerging victorious.

  • Debater

    Awarded for participating in a debate and emerging victorious.

  • Charismatic Individual

    Awarded for using a Symbol of Friendship to increase the number of devoted officers.

  • Privileged Personage

    Awarded for exercising a privilege.

  • Devoted Parent

    Awarded for raising a fictional child to adulthood.

  • Recruiter

    Awarded for calling on an officer and successfully recruiting or employing them.

  • A Take of a New Star

    Awarded for completing a scenario with an original officer as the protagonist.

  • Guided by Fate

    Awarded for having the maximum number of officers with whom you are bound by Synergetic Destiny.

  • United by Stars

    Awarded for completing a scenario with the maximum number of officers with whom you are bound by Synergetic Destiny and maximum number of spouses and sworn siblings.

  • Splendid Scoundrel

    Awarded for completing a scenario with the notorious fame of 5,000 or more.