RAGE 2 Achievements Full list of all 64 RAGE 2 achievements.The base game contains 43 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 21 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 64 Offline Mode 64 Single Player 18 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 12 Collectable 12 Cumulative + 1 Shop 3 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply EfficiencyUse the Assault Rifle to kill 5 enemies in a row without reloading UnloadedShoot 70 bullets within 16 seconds using the Assault Rifle Skeet ShootingHit an airborne enemy with the Shotgun's Slug Shot Hyper-ExpressKill 2 enemies with the same shot using the Hyper-Cannon Postmodern PicassoRupture a total of 200 enemies using the Rocket Launcher Overly drivenReach an Overdrive multiplier of 10 THIS IS RAGEUse Dash Strike kick to kill 10 enemies Come on and Slam!Crush 50 enemies using Slam Pseudo Post-MortemKill 3 enemies within 10 seconds after restoring all health with the Defibrillation Off With Their HeadsHeadshot a total of 100 enemies using the Wingstick Explosive EndingKill an enemy with a Turret Drone explosion ZipperKill 13 enemies while riding ziplines The Bigger They Are...Kill 7 Abadon Mutant Crushers Hot PotatoReflect an enemy's grenade Goon De-leetKill 1337 Goons Peek-a-booKill a cloaked Shrouded enemy The Enemy Of My EnemyKill an enemy that is trying to kill an enemy Bytesize TakedownDestroy 128 Vehicles while driving the Phoenix GonevoyTake down 1 Convoy Leader CrushedKill an Abadon Mutant Crusher with the Phoenix On The LimitMaintain top speed for 10 seconds with the Raptor Over 9000Drive over 9000 meters HangtimeJump over 100 meters with a ground vehicle Acid HouseComplete the Torn Plains Race under 3:03 Off BalanceKnock 19 bikers off their bikes with the Phoenix's "Dodge" DozingScoop up an enemy with the Dumper Truck Goon FireBlow up a Goon with the Goon tank "Booma" The RangerComplete mission: The Ranger BlackoutComplete mission: Blackout The SignalComplete mission: The Signal Wasteland CelebrityComplete mission: Wasteland Celebrity Beneath the SurfaceComplete mission: Beneath the Surface Ground ControlComplete mission: Ground Control Double CrossComplete mission: Double Cross Project DaggerComplete mission: Project Dagger A Noah LotComplete 5 Arks Can't Stop PopPop 17 Balloons Mata Hari MannersDestroy 30 Spy Drones The Bowels of a Rust GiantVenture inside the Dune Sea EcoPod Forlorn WatcherTravel to the summit of the Broken Tract EcoPod Sunken HopeVisit the Wetlands EcoPod Reaching out to the PastTraverse the bridge to the EcoPod in the Wilds Wasteland VagabondVisit every Trade Coalition settlement Update Update 2 97 30 3 4.00187127 (68%) NightmareComplete the game on Nightmare Difficulty I am Death Incarnate!Complete the game on Ultra Nightmare Difficulty Heavy BootsComplete the game in Ironman Mode Add-on Rise of the Ghosts 159 100 10 4.00409219 (54%) CaptiveComplete mission: Captive Within the WallsComplete mission: Within the Walls Slaughter to the LambComplete mission: Slaughter to the Lamb Means to an EndComplete mission: Means to an End EcoLocationVisit the Overgrown City EcoPod ReconditeComplete the Recondite Ark location RingbenderComplete the Bendring Ark location Friend of FordComplete the Reclaim & Rebuild Project Air Drop DownActivate all Air Drops in Overgrown City Questionable SanctityComplete all Ghost Sanctuaries in Overgrown City Update Terrormania 228 80 8 3.00213166 (78%)1-2h Hellspring BonetowerComplete Bonetower: Hellspring Sensus BonetowerComplete Bonetower: Sensus Veritas BonetowerComplete Bonetower: Veritas Tristitia BonetowerComplete Bonetower: Tristitia Furorem BonetowerComplete Bonetower: Furorem TerrorManiaReturn the NECRODISC and stop the Skeletal Army Striking SkullsKill 100 Skeletons with the Sword Transitus Flying SkullsKill 25 airborne Skeletons with the Sword of Transitus