Prototype 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 Prototype 2 achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 43 Offline Mode 43 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 4 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 4 Cumulative - 6 Level 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply It's an EpidemicComplete MEET YOUR MAKER. 1 guideI Want Some MoreComplete RESURRECTION. 1 guideReligious ExperienceMeet Father Guerra. 1 guideThis is a KnifeAcquire a Prototype Power. 1 guideProject ClosedComplete a //BLACKNET operation. 1 guideThe Mad ScientistComplete NATURAL SELECTION. 1 guideSomething to Live ForComplete FALL FROM GRACE. 1 guideWhat a BitchComplete LABOR OF LOVE. 1 guideMurder your Maker?Complete the game. 1 guideFollow Your NoseFind all BlackBoxes. 1 guideUp to No GoodDefeat all Field Ops teams. 1 guideStrike, You're Out.Destroy a Strike Team in 15 seconds or less. 1 guideCompulsive Eater5 consumes in 10 seconds or less. 1 guideDo the EvolutionAcquire 5 Mutations. 1 guideJust a Flesh WoundDismember a Brawler. 1 guideAll Together Now10 or more kills with a single Black Hole attack. 1 guideBack Atcha!Deflect 5 missiles at enemies using Shield Block. 1 guideTwo for the Price of OneSimultaneously kill 2 Brawlers using a single Devastator. 1 guideLair to RestDestroy a single Lair. 1 guideHijack Be NimbleStealth hijack 5 tanks or APCs. 1 guideRoad RageDestroy 10 Blackwatch tanks, APCs or helicopters using a single hijacked tank or APC. 1 guideWho Watches the Watchers?Consume 10 //BLACKNET targets. 1 guideHard to PleaseAcquire a Mutation in each of the 5 categories. 1 guideThe Floor is LavaTravel a half mile using only Wall Run, Glide, Jump and Air Dash. 1 guideCannonball!20 or more kills with a single Hammerfist dive attack. 1 guideYou're the Bomb10 or more kills using a single Bio-Bomb. 1 guideSic 'em!Destroy 5 helicopters using Pack Leader. 1 guideOver-EquippedWeaponize 10 vehicles. 1 guideThe Best OffenseCounter enemy attacks 20 times using Shield. 1 guideArcade ActionKarate kick a helicopter. 1 guideI Caught a Big One!Mount a helicopter using Whipfist. 1 guideAnger ManagementDestroy 5 vehicles using a Finisher. 1 guideSo Above It AllSpend at least 25 consecutive seconds in the air (helicopters don't count). 1 guideVitamin B-rainsAcquire 10 upgrades through Consumes. 1 guideEating Your Way to the TopAcquire 30 upgrades through Consumes. 1 guideFinally FullAcquire all 46 upgrades through Consumes. 1 guideIcarusReach the highest point in the world. 1 guideSpindler's SearchDestroy all Lairs. 1 guide//BLACKNET HackerComplete all //BLACKNET dossiers. 1 guideOne by OneStealth Consume 50 Blackwatch troopers. 1 guideWanted ManTrigger 50 alerts. 1 guideAll Growed UpFully upgrade Heller. 1 guideMaster PrototypeComplete the game on HARD difficulty. 1 guide