Project Hospital Achievements Full list of all 61 Project Hospital achievements.The base game contains 59 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 53 Offline Mode 53 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 25 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (8) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Senior doctor in da house!Treat 1000 patients. Young doctorTreat your first patient. InternComplete level 1. ResidentComplete level 2. AttendingComplete level 3. FellowComplete level 4. SpecialistComplete level 5. Chief of HospitalComplete level 6. 1 guideGood creditPay debt to the bank in only 20 days in level 4. Chief of chiefsComplete all objectives in level 6. 1 guideYou are hiredHire your first employee. ManagerHire 20 employees. On fire(d)Fire 20 employees. Home run!Send 20 patients home. Dr. AculaTake blood from 50 patients under your care. Herr Wilhelm RöntgenHave 30 patients under your care undergo Xray examination. Ah, that's the spotCongratulations, you placed your first object! Uh, more spots!Place 100 single objects. Oh, all the spots!Place 1000 single objects. Very nice! Absolutely beautiful!Place 100 decorations. GardenerPlace 30 trees. The walls have eyesPlace 30 eye test posters. Going upBuild first floor. Top floor please!Build maximum amount of floors. I insure youContract an insurance company. Who's the boss?Assign chief doctor with good boss perk. BankerHave 700 000$ in your budget. SpenderSpend over 1 000 000$. Dr. Jan ItorHave your janitors clean 10000 tiles. Please do not die in the corridors!Let 10 clinic patients collapse. It's me, Marius!Place 30 toilets. Litter freePlace 30 trashcans. Safe working environmentPlace 30 bio-hazard trashcans. Instant hospitalPlace 15 prefabs. Hospital 51Build 10 satellites. Wait, is this a bar?Hire 5 staff members with the 'alcoholic' perk. BuilderBuild your first room with mandatory equipment. You shall not pass!Build room without door access. DestroyerRemove your first room. MoverMove 50 objects. The Great wall of hospitalBuild over 1000 tiles of walls. Do you like my hospital?Build functional hospital with every department. 1 guideWrong againMisdiagnose 20 patients under your care. 1 guideDoctor RightDiagnose correctly 20 times under your care. Emergency masterComplete challenge level 1. 1 guideGeneral surgery masterComplete challenge level 2. Internal medicine masterComplete challenge level 3. Orthopaedy masterComplete challenge level 4. Cardiology masterComplete challenge level 5. 1 guideNeurology masterComplete challenge level 6. My turn!Take control over 30 patients. Hello? Anybody?Take over a patient from the clinic and have him wait for more than two game hours. EAAAAGLEEEERotate an object 4 times before placing it. I choose you...Create your own character. ...and you and you and you too.Create 10 own characters. Let's put the skills to the testActivate Specialist mode You didn't see anythingTreat your first patient in Specialist mode I knight thee. Arise, Specialist!Treat 20 patients in Specialist mode Never stop spinning meeeeRotate the camera 100 times Add-on Doctor Mode 46 20 2 0.0023352 (22%) Goodbye, training wheels!Finish the Doctor Mode DLC tutorial Paging doctor MouseFinish the Doctor Mode DLC level