Progressbar95 Achievements Full list of all 105 Progressbar95 achievements.The base game contains 70 achievements, and there are 18 DLC packs containing 35 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Catch a dogCatch your first dog Lady BugFind a bug PerfectionistFill a progress bar without errors NonconformistDo an about-turn Dead pixelA pixel in a haystack 1 guideProGet the Pro badge MasterGet the Master badge ExpertGet the Expert badge AdeptGet the Adept badge 1 guideGrandGet the Grand badge 5%95% of yellow Anti tubeYellow filling ChecklistComplete all challenges Morse95 in Morse code SymmetryCreate a symmetric composition TubeBlue filling Two stripesMake a pattern ZebraCreate stripes ColorsUse a color code Easter eggFind a secret Fair playRemove a cheat 95%Almost perfect! BallPing a ball DOS bonusGet a DOS bonus HEXUnlock encrypted folder Lorem ipsumLatine thesaurum istum MatrixPlay Matrix game mode Hello, Dave!Remove System32 3D spacePlay 3d screensaver game mode SYSCODEFind a system code Yin and yangCreate an yin and yang pattern Beta collectorCollect all special Progressbar skins Collector of classicsCollect all classic Progressbar skins Full deckCollect all regular Progressbars Firewall commanderPlay Progress Defender game mode 10000 DOS pointsGet more than 10000 points in DOS 50000 DOS pointsGet more than 50000 points in DOS DOS diggerExplore more than five layers of directories MinesweeperPlay Progress sweeper game mode Progressbar 1Unlock skin Progressbar 1XUnlock skin Progressbar 2Unlock skin Progressbar 2000Unlock skin Progressbar 7Unlock skin Progressbar 10Unlock skin Progressbar 81Unlock skin Progressbar 98Unlock skin Progressbar 3.14Unlock skin ProgressDOS 5.0Unlock skin Progressbar LargehornUnlock skin Progressbar MemeUnlock skin Progressbar 95 PlusUnlock skin Progressbar WistaUnlock skin Progressbar WhisperUnlock skin Progressbar XBUnlock skin Progresstein 3dPlay Progresstein 3d game mode Scan progressUse scan progress successfully Strong sufferanceDon't close popups in Hardcore mode 1 guideHarmonic perfectionPerfect Yin and yang First upgradeGet your first computer upgrade Progress ChitownUnlock skin Garbage recursionRemove Bin Progressbar NOT 4.0Unlock skin Progressbar NOT 3.60Unlock skin My own rulesPlay a custom game mode Mission possibleBeat impossible difficulty playing high stages Catch eyeGet a bonus from the heart Sliding puzzleSolve a puzzle Magenta is a new blueComplete a neon progressbar Outer spaceGet extra percentages Update BarOS 144 60 6 0.0012668 (54%) Different systemUnlock BarOS Bar OS System 2Unlock skin Bar OS System 3Unlock skin Bar OS System 4Unlock skin Bar OS System 5Unlock skin Bar OS System 6Unlock skin Update BarOS 7 56 20 2 0.006561 (94%) Bar OS System 7Unlock skin ROYGBIVCollect color spectrum Update BarOS 8 29 10 1 0.005959 (100%) Bar OS 8Unlock skin Update BarOS 10.II 33 10 1 0.004747 (100%) Bar OS 10.IIUnlock skin Update BarOS 10 100 30 3 0.005140 (78%) Bar OS 10Unlock skin RMRFClean without question Don't panic! Update Progressbar 11 and BarOS 11 76 30 3 0.0015840 (25%) Bar OS 11 Loud PurrUnlock skin Progressbar 11Unlock skin Null Update BarOS 10.III 52 20 2 0.0017942 (23%) Bar OS 10.IIUnlock skin Ctrl+Alt+DelThree keys Update BarOS 9 30 10 1 0.005656 (100%) Bar OS 9Unlock skin Update Update KP008800 44 20 2 4.0023254 (23%) Progressbar NepbarUnlock skin ProgressolitairePlay a card game 1 guide Update BarOS 12 71 20 2 0.004038 (95%) BarOS 12 SeacathorseUnlock skin Different deckCollect all regular BarOS systems Update Decompiler Gun 29 10 1 0.005959 (100%) ??? Update Server Systems 66 20 2 0.009527 (28%) Server roomUnlock a server Server administratorCollect all server systems Update BarOS 13 39 10 1 0.003333 (100%) BarOS 13 AdventureUnlock skin Update Progressbar 11.22 24 10 1 0.008383 (100%) Progressbar 11.22Unlock skin Update B OS 43 10 1 0.002727 (100%) B OSUnlock skin Update Update KP010000 82 30 3 0.0013336 (27%) Y2K bugYear 2000 problem 8-Bit computerUnlock the 8-bit line of computers Just another PROGRESSBASIC hackerRun your first PROGRESSBASIC program Update BarOS 14 43 10 1 0.002727 (100%) BarOS 14 SonantUnlock skin Update Progressbar 12 91 20 2 0.003220 (62%) Progressbar 12Unlock skin SingularityLet AI to complete a level