Police Stories Achievements

Here is the full list of all 39 Police Stories achievements. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • At the Right Time

    Kill a suspect while he is reloading.

  • Lone Wolf

    Complete the mission with Rick left standing at the spawn.

  • Collector

    Pick up 250 evidences.

  • Get down!

    Shout 1000 times.

  • Bad Boys

    Complete the mission in any multiplayer mode.

  • Naked Gun

    Kill the suspect with the handgun left after the destruction of your ballistic shield.

  • Police Brutality

    Kill a surrendered or cuffed suspect with the buttstock.

  • Brought a knife to a gunfight

    Get killed while holding any equipment (excluding the ballistic shield, taser and pepper spray).